Take the Risk

Take the Risk - Crazy Blonde Life

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live. Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.

Perfection is static, and I am in full progress. Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones. ~ Anais Nin

I read this quote today and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew after reading it several times that I have been giving in to the voice of fear within me. I have been worried about what people would think if I continued to write my truth on this blog. I have been concerned that people would think it’s “too much”.

I have also felt lately that some of my posts weren’t what I wanted them to be because I was trying to come up with something that would be more universally interesting. Even yesterday, I added to the French Girl Style post because it felt as if I didn’t do my best. The truth is, I haven’t been writing about what I wanted to write about and I’ll go even further, I think that my fear of offending or of being “too much” has blocked my brain from inspiration. So…I’ve made a decision…

As I’ve said before, I do love fashion, food and all things that go into living a great life, but I really want to inspire you all to live your best life and find your way to true happiness. There will be some who don’t want to read my posts and that’s ok. I’m sure, if I’m completely honest and write from my heart that I will find my tribe…those people who truly want to be here! Some days, my heart may lead me to share fashion or a great recipe, but I won’t hold back if I feel that I have something to say that may help someone to push past their fear, take a risk and live a better life.

I think society encourages us to stuff our curiosity and stick with what’s safe. But I will tell you that anything you put your heart into and do with love will be more successful than something you do because you’re “supposed to”, or because it’s the practical, safe thing to do. Worrying about what others will think will lead to a very boring, predictable life!

In my life, I’ve been in situations where I was backed into a corner and forced to change because there was no other choice. Where I really had nothing to lose if I didn’t change. I don’t want to ever be at that point again. I also don’t want to feel bored and uninspired because I’m ignoring what my inner voice is telling me to do. Pain is not inspiration, but it can be bad enough that it causes us to take a chance on living in a different way, which can lead to inspiration if we’re open to it. I believe that when we’re cracked open, our light can shine through the cracks if we let it.

Tapping into our creativity is exciting and bold. It feels good! Everyone has the potential to live an inspired life, but our society doesn’t encourage that. It may seem easier to just fit in than to explore other options that may feel better to us.

The truth is that our world wouldn’t be where it is today if people didn’t take risks and go against the status quo. Think about the great people who have had a profound effect on how we live today. What if we didn’t have cars or the ability to fly all over the world. Those are big examples, but what I know is that inspiration is contagious! And…I’ll say it again…if I only inspire one person to step out of their box and live differently, that’s enough because they may also inspire one person. Just think of how different the world would be if we all followed our built in guidance system and did what our hearts are called us to do. I’m quite sure that one person that inspires another person will potentially indirectly inspire millions. Inspiration is best when it’s shared! Don’t ever think that you don’t have anything to offer.

‘Bravery isn’t about being fearless. It’s about loyalty. If we are loyal to our heart, we will find our courage. And while we may still be petrified, as long as we have a little more courage than we have fear, we can take action.” ~ Light Watkins

To that end, you can expect more posts like this! I’m on a mission to speak my truth. I don’t want to feel uninspired and bored. I want to look forward every morning to sitting down at my computer to share whatever is sparking my curiosity that day.

I’ve tried, at times in my life, to be “perfect”, but no one is perfect because we’re all human. We learn from our mistakes and if we’re not willing to step out and take a chance, we never learn. Perfection is only a fear of not being enough and we are all enough.

For years, my tag line has been “A Daily Indulgence” and I truly want you to feel like you’re getting a daily indulgence when you stop here at Crazy Blonde Life!


Coastal Clutch Bag & Notes From The Weekend


French Girl Style with Ba&sh