Daily Outfit + A Little Inspiration!

"Give yourself the gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you.  Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles you see around you.  This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe." ~ Wayne Dyer

I love this quote because giving yourself five minutes a day will set the tone for everything else that follows.  I truly believe that all you have to do is find a feeling of satisfaction with how life is right now...no matter how it is, find the miracles, and everything else will follow.  You can't change the now, but you can find a place of acceptance of it and decide to be happy.  Make a conscious decision to live in the now because All of your power is now.  You can only be satisfied in the now.  You don't have to see it to believe it, you believe it and then you'll see it. 

Combining a little fashion and some inspiration today because why not...?  Some days it feels like enough to do "just a fashion post", but other days, it seems appropriate to share what's in my heart.  I hope you don't mind the crazy combination!  

I think this blouse from local designer, Anna Cate, of the Anna Cate Collection is so unusual and a fun way to dress up a pair of jeans!  It's season-less because of the fabulous neutral color!   By the way, I just wanted to disclose that my bag is borrowed (I do that sometimes)!  I really really love it and I'm sharing the outfit details and links below, so keep scrolling!

Anna Cate Collection Blouse and Gucci Bunny Bag
Anna Cate Collection Blouse, Gucci Shoes and Bag
Anna Cate Collection Blouse and Gucci Bunny Bag

I hope you all have a great day and find five minutes to step outside and look for the miracles!


Packing for New York Fashion Week!


Life in September...