Crazy Blonde Life

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Fall Home Tour 2021

One of the things I love most about Instagram is the community of women that I’ve become a part of! I have Instagram friends all over the country and it’s been so great getting to virtually know so many amazing women!

This Fall Home Tour was inspired by a collaboration I did with 4 women on Saturday. We all decorated our homes for fall and put together a video or an Instagram carousel to show our followers what we did. It’s amazing how differently we all decorated our homes!

I thought I would show you a few of the pictures I took as I getting everything ready! I will say that I’ve never gone all out with the pumpkins like this and I’m really pleased with how it turned out, in fact, I may add a few more here and there. There are actually a few pictures that I wish I had taken to include in this post…such as the bar cart on my front porch and a few things in the kitchen. However, I’m planning to take those pictures today and I’ll add them as I take them! I hope you enjoy!

As some of you know, my daughter and 8 month old grandson have been staying with us since June and I’ve really enjoyed having them here and I’ll miss them terribly when they leave on Saturday, but my schedule has been turned upside down. My point is…getting this done was quite an effort! It took three trips to our local garden market and several sporadic hours of decorating. Click here to watch the video on my IGTV!

For the tall planters, I just stacked 3 pumpkins with the largest on the bottom. I tucked ivy in several places as well as an ornamental cabbage in the corner. After everything was arranged, I tucked floral moss to cover the dirt and any empty spaces. It’s a little tricky to water, but it’s so cute and looks amazing from the street!

Every year it seems there are new colors and varieties of pumpkins and it’s so hard to decide. My favorites this year were the lacy looking orange, green and white ones!

I’ll use any excuse to have fresh flowers in the house and I just happen to have a friend who is a very talented floral designer, Lyn Moser, who lives down the street so it’s easy to get a beautiful arrangement any time! This year, I placed a small vase in the hallway and. a large arrangement on the dining room table. These flowers will last over a week if the water is changed every day!

I also love to burn seasonal candles to make the house smell like fall! The one I’m burning here is Orange Bitters by Jo Malone. It was a splurge from last year and it’s still going strong! The best part is that I’ll burn it through the holiday season as well! I’m linking a few of my favorite fall candles and home scents below!

I’ve had the wooden pumpkin in the picture above for years! It’s one of my favorite things…the top comes off and sometimes I fill it with flowers and often with Halloween candy!

How beautiful is this floral arrangement? Every time I walk past the dining room it makes me smile! The colors are perfect for fall and go beautifully with the room.

The bar cart in my breakfast room is so pretty that I didn’t change a thing!

I have several. of these pretty velvet pumpkins that are placed around the house. I don’t do nearly as much inside as I do outside, but I think small touches make a big impact! Once October is here, I’ll add a few fun Halloween things for my grandsons.

Every year around the end of August, I start to anticipate having a fire in our outdoor fireplace! It’s one of my favorite things to sit by the fire…I could sit there all day long reading and looking at magazines on a cool day! We’ve had a fire for the last 3 nights and it’s been heaven!

Decorating this fireplace is so easy! I replaced the candles, added a few pumpkins and purple chrysanthemums and it was don. ! My ferns are still so pretty that I decided to leave them until the first frost turns them brown. I think the vases add interest and when the leaves really start to turn, I’ll put a few branches in them. It’s nice to keep layering as the season goes on.

Right after Thanksgiving, the pumpkins go into the woods and the Christmas greenery goes up!

I add pillows and a cozy throw for really chilly fall nights…

I had to add this picture taken at the garden market! I am so blessed to have had this time with my sweet grandson Bristol. It really will be hard to see them go, especially knowing that I won’t see him again until April. He’ll be walking and talking and such a little boy by then!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Please let me know if you would like to see more like this by leaving a comment below! Happy Monday!

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