Crazy Blonde Life

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Work Your Butt - My New Resistance Band Workout

Working out is not what it used to be…no more heading to the gym to get sweaty…instead, it’s heading to the living room, bedroom, or outside to get a workout! Shortly after the quarantine started, I ordered some resistance bands so that I could have an intense workout at home and I thought I would share some of what I’ve been doing.

In the video, I’ve done one round of exercises, but to have the most effective workout, I recommend doing 3 rounds of this. It doesn’t look like a hard workout, but I promise you’ll know you’ve worked. I’m linking the bands below as well as my outfit, but you can use any bands that work for you! Your butt will love you, and you’ll love your butt!

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I hope you’ve enjoyed this video! Let me know if you try it and what you think!

I would also really love if you subscribed to my YouTube Channel! My goal is to do two new videos each month. Some videos will be fitness, but I’ll also be sharing fashion, food and a few surprises!