What Do You Really Want?

Sole Bliss Sneakers - Crazy Blonde Life

You can change your life in a single moment. All it takes is one choice to make a decision that will lead you down a path and change the direction of the rest of your life. You may not be able to see what’s around the bend, but you have to start walking and trust.

It’s can be easier at times, to choose the safety and comfort of doing what you’ve always know and therefore choose to live the same life every single day. That’s why people stay in bad relationships for so long…the fear of change can be paralyzing. There is comfort in the familiar.

It’s scary and overwhelming to think about choosing something different, But don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from stepping out of the ordinary.

Think about this… the life you are living today is the sum of every decision you’ve ever made (scary right?). We all create our lives through the choices we make in every waking moment. What are you creating?

You can consciously choose to take action and make a move, or… you can just think about what it might be like to live the life of your dreams if only you had the courage to take the first step. You can sit and overthink the outcome or you can just go for it, without overthinking. You can begin to walk down a new path and instead of just thinking about what life would be like… if…you actually start to live life…as if. Unfortunately, most people think too much and never do anything about it. Creating a vision board, and journaling are wonderful things, but at some point, in order to make things happen, you have to let go of what is familiar and choose to act…not just plan. Choose to step into the unknown and trust that it will lead to a better life.

You can choose to be set free from living a life where the same day repeats itself over and over again every single day.

All it takes is making a decision in one moment and having the courage to follow through. One moment to let go of the fear of some perceived potential pain because let’s face it…we’re all afraid of change. Would you rather have the pain of growing or the pain of being stuck? You can choose to NOT LOOK BACK and to walk in a new direction with trust and faith toward a light that will be the start of a new life and better days ahead.

You can use this moment to sit and think about what life could be or you can get up and create the life of your dreams. I have learned that this takes consciously choosing in every moment and being very aware of what YOU are saying and doing. At any moment, you can allow yourself to repeat patterns that keep you stuck or you can choose to live up to your potential. You can also choose to sit around and plan, or you can make a move and learn as you go. Your journey will be imperfect, but it will definitely be worth it.

I want to create a life that takes my breath away. I want to be proud of myself for what I have accomplished. Every moment is precious and it’s never too late to start. The potential to change your life for the better lies in what you choose in this very moment.

I’ve been thinking lately about the patterns in my life and the things that repeat over and over again because I go back to the familiar and allow myself to indulge in self pity and everything that has been “done” to me. We all have triggers that cause us to go back to the past and to think it’s not our choice to be happy. What I know is this…It’s always my choice to be happy, but it is always a conscious choice.

Don’t let your life live you…choose to live your life on your terms.

Always remember that the people around you will do what they do, but if you’re unhappy…that’s what you’ve chosen.


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