What Are You Bringing Into Your Life...

What do you truly want to call into your life? Are you available for what you want?

Everything is energy and you transmit energy with every thought and action.

If you want to make things happen in your life, you have to become a transmitter for high frequency thoughts and decisions and then take inspired action. This is called living consciously. It’s what I mean when I say…”is your life living you, or are you living your life”.

This isn’t a choice you make once…it’s a choice you make every day and often multiple times a day. As you practice, it gets easier…most of the time. The important thing is - how quickly you bring yourself back to a good or better place!

Last Monday, Baldy and I got back from a wonderful trip to Charleston (travel guide coming soon). We were rested and made so many good memories. However…the blissful feelings didn’t last long.

Things are hectic in our lives right now…our youngest is coming home with our grandson and grand dog for an indefinite period of time because her husband is deployed, our middle daughter is getting married in May and we’re in the throws of last minute details for the wedding (I haven’t found a dress yet), we have two huge dogs that shed everywhere, we’re remodeling our master bathroom…the list goes on!

Home is a stressful place right now. Without going into all the details, I’ll say that I haven’t handled this week well at all! I’ve let worry take over, I’ve been grumpy and mad, I haven’t taken care of myself and I’ve felt horrible. As you would expect, my husband has not responded to me well either….and that makes me so mad! Isn’t he supposed to be perfect!

This morning, I decided it was time to reset! I decided I didn’t want to feel this way anymore…my prayer was…

“I’m willing to see this differently.”

I truly had no idea what was going to happen or how I would begin to see things differently, but I was taking my own (very good) advice and surrendering my worry and anxiety to the Divine!

I sat down at around 6 am this morning to meditate and for some reason checked my email first (which I rarely do). I had an email from a mentor of mine which took me to an Instagram account that I hadn’t previously followed. That account was so awesome and I gained so much inspiration! After I finished reading that, I put on my favorite meditation music and had a really amazing meditation…so deep that the alarm startled me when it went off!

Then…I went to the gym and while I was driving, I listened to Michael Beckwith on YouTube and that helped even more! By the time I was finished working out, I had a whole new outlook on life…just because I decided to stop fighting what was going on in my life and be open to seeing things differently! This is truly what happens when you decide to surrender!

We all want more from life…more love, more peace, more clarity, more money, more friends, etc.

If having the life you want is about transmitting energy and being on the right frequency…


This past week, I clearly wasn’t doing any celebrating…I was only focusing on the problems! You can’t walk around all day complaining about how bad things are or how hard things are and dismiss the small blessings and abundance in your life. By doing this, you make yourself unavailable for the big blessings and abundance that you want.

If you’re asking for blessings but not appreciating what you already have…”it’s as if you’re asking for the floodgates to open but you’ve still got the dam up! You are blocking your blessings! Blessings can come in so many forms and one of the biggest blessings is clarity because when you have clarity, you know what to do next or are at least open to the possibility of guidance!

This is why meditation is so important…it allows you to clear your energy, align with the thoughts that reflect the truth of who you are (assuming you’ve discovered what that truth is), and respond to your environment as if nothing outside of you exists and nothing has power over you unless you allow it.

So your triggers disappear, your guilt melts away, your shame goes for a long walk. Being in alignment means lining up with the energy of the highest possibly frequency. You can always feel the difference when you’re aligned with positivity and things are flowing. The opposite is when you’re grumpy and mad and everything keeps going wrong…making you even more grumpy and mad!

Becoming available to the life you are worthy of means you are doing whatever it takes to stay in alignment with Divine light and love! And in that there is abundance, health and so much expansion and possibility!

If you are stuck in a bad mood, focusing on everything that’s going wrong in your life…If what you want is not showing up…it’s time to ask yourself if you’re truly available for them or if you’re blocking them! That’s a great place to start!

Simply say out loud to the Universe…

I am willing to see things differently!

If you mean it, you’ll begin to see synchronicities and guidance will come in unexpected ways! Don’t expect a butterfly to land on your nose, just be open to what shows up around you and follow your impulses!

Worry and doubt and fear prevent manifestation! Surrender and let go of the worry and walk feeling that what you want has already occurred. Everything is working together for your good.

You may also consider getting outside in nature, journaling, lighting a candle and putting out some fresh flowers. All of these activities, if done for the right reason are signals to the Universe that you are open to something new! You’ll feel better…I promise!

This topic resonates with everyone…I’m sure of that! However, there is so much more! How do you get aligned with your true purpose (your passion), how do you let go of anger and resentment, how do you forgive yourself and others and step into your power? In my 30-day program…Journey of Becoming, we delve very deeply into these subjects! We meditate, discover who we truly are, nourish our connection to the Divine and start down a path of living our truth! This is the Journey of your life and it’s so important to live your life intentionally so that you are walking toward your dreams! Please consider joining me starting April 1 for 30 days of becoming more of who you truly are! Click here to learn more and sign up! Please feel free to leave a comment or DM me on Instagram with any questions! I’ll be happy to answer them! I will promise that if you do the work in this course, your life will change for the better and you’ll want to keep learning more! This is a journey of strength, faith and love…finding the wise Goddess that lives within you and holds the wisdom of lifetimes…

Join me on April 1 and start your Journey of Becoming!


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March to Your Own Beat...Be Exactly Who You Are!