You Create Your Life Moment by Moment

“There are far greater things ahead than any we have left behind.” ~ C.S. Lewis

How many times have you heard…”you create your own reality”? I think sometimes, we hear these phrases so many times that they begin to fade into the background of our lives. However, the older I get and the more I delve into the world of self development, the more this is on my mind.

I believe that Source, Spirit, Universal Forces, God are all around us and within us at all times. I believe that every one of us is a unique expression of the Source of All Things. Given this, we have access to Source at all times…every minute of our lives. We have access to insights, guidance and “breadcrumbs from the Universe”. Why is it that we still have so much trouble staying on track?

I think it’s because we’re allowing our egos to run the show. The ego isn’t a bad thing…it’s there to protect us and wants to keep us in the familiar because that’s where the perceived safety is. Unless we’re willing to consciously override our egos and step into the unfamiliar, we remain stuck in a life that’s mediocre at best. I don’t know about you, but that’s not the kind of life I want to be living at 59 years old!

In order to live a life filled with love, passion and excitement, we must become an energetic match to those things. Like attracts like and if you’re waking up in the morning on auto pilot, picking up right where you left off yesterday, you are an energetic match for what happened yesterday and you’ll live the same day over and over again in an endless loop! Make sense?

Life is supposed to be good! I sound like a broken record, but I know it’s true! There was a time in my life when things weren’t good and I did something about it! I dove in with both feet…learning about spirituality and Law of Attraction and I slowly began to apply the truths I was learning to my life. Things didn’t change overnight, but as I saw small changes, I was encouraged to keep going. Looking back, I can’t believe how much I’ve changed and how much I love my life! This work is worth it and I’m living proof!

I believe without a shadow of a doubt that my life’s mission is to share my story…to be evidence that anyone can change their lives by learning to become an energetic match for their dreams!

Here is the best part! Once you realize that you have this power within you and you see things begin to change, you have more dreams. You begin to live in Gratitude while still desiring more. This is how we evolve as humanity. We desire to help others by becoming more of who we already are…our beautiful, wonderful, and authentic true selves.

I’ve talked about how we loose ourselves as we grow up many times… because of societal beliefs, lineage and other factors. What I know is that it is entirely possible to get past all of the BS that we’ve collected over the years. It’s possible to turn all of our pain into purpose and it’s possible to live in a way that is joyful and wonderful. Again…I’m not saying that you’ll never have another problem, but you’ll show up as a different person and things will go differently than they would have in the past!

As I said above, my mission is to share what I’ve learned and that’s why I’ve created Infuse - A Midlife Edit. If you are in a place where you know there is more to life, but unsure how to take the next step, Infuse is for you! Join me on November 1st at 1:00 pm for the first of four Zoom calls and learn how to Infuse your life with love, passion and excitement! Click here to learn more and be a part of Infuse!


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