Crazy Blonde Life

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An Outfit for a Busy Summer Day

I’m sure it’s at least Wednesday…oh no…I’m wrong, it’s only Monday night! It’s 9:23 and I’m sitting in the bedroom writing this post. The dogs are still outside because Dash has peed in the floor 3 times today and wouldn’t do his business outside. He normally does better when Amos is inside, so I put Amos in, however, he sat at the door and barked, so Dash barked back and chased some fireflies, but never used the bathroom. Puppies will be puppies, I suppose.

Our daughter Sarah is coming home to stay for an extended time on Wednesday. She’s staying in her sister’s room because it’s bigger, so I’ve been trying to get things ready for her. The painters were here on Saturday and yesterday, I cleaned everything, put clean sheets on the bed and rearranged the closet so she would have plenty of room. Baldy is…at this moment…putting together a crib. He has already made a trip to Lowe’s because there was a screw missing. I’ve bought diapers, laundry detergent, crib sheets and blankets. All the bedding is clean and folded.

Sarah has been in Germany and is really missing Target and TJ Maxx as well as one of our favorite lunch spots, so…on Thursday, after she gets her nails done, we’re going to Target, TJ Maxx and Printworks Bistro. I’m excited about having lunch, but I guess you have to be out of the country to miss Target and TJ Maxx so much. Anyway, on Friday, our oldest daughter Lauren and I are going to Boston to visit Rebecca…she’s the middle one. Did I say that I’m absolutely exhausted and feeling very behind and overwhelmed? Having said that, I will say that the house is clean, the laundry is done, the beds have clean sheets and I have gotten rid of a sh** ton of stuff (is that a Southern expression?). I’m a good kind of tired, but still a little grumpy.

Anyway…that’s what’s going on in my life and you know…even though I’m tired, I’m still really excited and happy to spend time with my sweet girls and grandsons! Life is busy, but so so good!

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This dress and these shoes (both under $100)…they are so perfect for a busy day and a busy life. I wore the whole outfit for our Father’s Day cookout and it was perfect. I’ve kind of resisted this shoe trend (not sure what to call it), but these are the cutest corkie-sandles-that-aren’t-Birkenstocks that I’ve found. The whole outfit came from Island Passage on Bald Head Island with the exception of the bag and sunglasses. I tried it on the dress and knew it would be perfect for so many casual occasions and the shoes just went perfectly. The dress is by Sanctuary and the shoes are Free People. I’m linking the exact pieces below as well as a few others that are similar.

While I have certainly loved my beautiful maxi dresses this summer, they are not nearly as practical for chasing dogs and grandchildren as this dress is. Is it just me, or does life get busier AFTER your children leave to pursue lives of their own? Did I say I’m exhausted?

Tell me about what’s going on in your world this summer and what you’re wearing on a busy day…and keep scrolling for shopping details and a few sale items I’m loving from Loft!…like this top that will be amazing for July 4th!

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