Summer Beach Evenings

"There will always be someone who can't see your worth. Don't let it be you." - Mel Robbins

There are those perfect nights that you never want to end! The evening we shot these pictures was one of those nights! There is really no escaping the humidity on Bald Head Island so we have learned to embrace it and enjoy the breeze coming off the ocean! We went down to the beach at around 7:30 to shoot these pictures and by the time we left, the sun was setting and so low in the sky that it looked like a big orange ball hovering over the ocean! It couldn’t have been a more beautiful sunset! I’m so sad I didn’t get any shots of it…but you can take my word for it!

I’m definitely a beach girl and love it most in the warmer months! September is actually my favorite month to spend time here at Bald Head! The light shimmers on the water in a way that says fall is coming, the temperatures drop slightly as does the humidity and the crowds have gone home! Luckily, I’ll be back down in September for almost two weeks for some much needed time alone! I love to walk on the beach with Amos, get up early, go to bed early and enjoy the day in between! After the hustle and bustle of family time, I’m needing some time to contemplate and regroup!

I know I’ve posted so often lately about Brochu Walker clothing, but it really has become one of my favorite brands. The clothes are relaxed, while still elevated…the ultimate coastal grandmother style. I guess I’m owning that I’m a coastal grandmother at this point (love it really), and these clothes are fitting into my life perfectly. Having said that, I think they are great for most any age and so versatile! I love an oversized Brochu Walker cashmere sweater with jeans and have discovered that Brochu Walker cashmere can be worn most any time of the year!

The dress I’m wearing here is ideal for strolls on the beach, going out to dinner or lunch and/or shopping! I have just ordered a leather belt to go with it that will add some structure and totally change the look. I would normally style this dress with some type of sandal or espadrille and change it up later in the season with suede booties. I have the same dress in navy and black faux leather and never get tired of wearing them and…I always get compliments! My necklace is from French Kande

At this point, I have given up on fixing my hair because of the humidity! I still have some damage that I’m dealing with and that makes things even worse! I’m hoping by September that this head of hair will be grown out enough to get a major haircut. I think it’s time to start fresh but I don’t want it to be too short! We’ll see…it makes me a little nervous because my hair has for the most, always been long. I’m not sure whether it’ll be easier or harder with short hair, but at least I know if I don’t like it I can just grow it out again!

Sadly, our time here is over on Sunday until August when we’ll be back for a couple of weeks. It’s always bittersweet to leave even when I know I’ll be back, but it’s time to go home and get some work done and catch up on things. We’re starting a major bathroom/closet renovation very soon and I have to move all of my clothes…somewhere! I’m excited about the end result, but it’s not going to be fun to live through!

Also, I’m so excited to finally announce that our family is growing again! We have another granddaughter coming in October and we are so excited! Of course, another baby means a baby shower is coming in August and September and October are full of birthdays and then the holidays will be upon us!!

My life is so full of amazing things…love and family, work and play, sunsets and rainy days, travel and having a beautiful home to come back to!

As is often the case, this post is longer than I had intended…I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I hope you have an amazing weekend! Thank you so much for reading my blog!


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


Finding Happiness…