Essentials for Living Your Best Life

I don’t know a woman who “has it together” who isn’t stylish! Think about it…

Mindset is the first of the three essential things we need to live our best life. What you think and believe about yourself is what you are manifesting in your life. Take a moment to let that sink in. You are creating your life with your thoughts and that is precisely why it’s so important to mind your mind! This is essential work for living a happy and fulfilled life. You must believe that you have value and are worthy of your dreams and desires! This is where confidence comes from! You cannot continue to think in the same way as you have in the past if you want to create a different future.

Showing up in style is different for everyone and part of your unique personality, but bringing your unique style to the world isn’t even really possible when you don’t have confidence in yourself. Your style is a reflection of who you believe yourself to be. You can have the most fabulous outfit and for a minute, it might make you feel good, but it’s a temporary feeling when you don’t feel good about who you are on the inside.

Have you taken the time to figure out what you desire in life? We are entering (or have entered) a phase of life where it’s more important than ever to get curious and creative. Find out what you’re all about about…your desires are meant for you and fulfilling them is why you’re here. We all have unique gifts to offer and your desires are your roadmap to sharing your gifts.

You may think you don’t matter, but if you touch even one person, it creates a ripple effect that can help so many. Never think you don’t matter. Every time I share pieces of my story, I get messages from people who have been touched…they have similar stories or can relate in some way in their own lives. By sharing, others become inspired to live differently. I don’t want my pain to be wasted when I can turn it into purpose. I can teach through the lessons I’ve learned in my life! I desire to live a full life…serving, sharing and loving. This is manifested in so many ways - through my relationships with family, friends and those I meet on social media. Believe me…I was a total mess and if I can change, anyone can change!

This is where true change begins. Action (yes taking the time for stillness is action) follows Awareness. Take time for you…meditate, read, learn, pray and sit in stillness every single day. This is true self care! You are the most important person in your story…writer and director! Create a vision for this chapter in your life…let your desires guide you. Have faith in your own personal journey and believe in boundless possibilities. It’s never to late to live the life you want to live! You can be, do and have anything you desire!

Routine is how you change your life…go from unhappy to happy and good to great! Taking the time everyday for yourself is a signal to the Universe that you believe you matter.

Do you feel exhausted from feeling bad, anxious, angry, etc.? Are you tired of living the same day every day? If you said yes to this question, the first thing you must do is go within and become aware of your thoughts…question them! Slowly, you’ll begin to unravel the lies of unworthiness you’ve been telling yourself for so many years and begin to take responsibility for your life. Remember I said that your life is a direct reflection of the thoughts you think? Taking the time every single day to check in with yourself, get centered, set intentions and live mindfully will literally change your life! You GET to create a life you love!

You don’t even need to think about how you present yourself to the world when you believe you’re worthy…your style will automatically reflect your confidence!

When 2023 rolled around, I decided that I would stop working with brands that I didn’t absolutely love! I was committed to making my blog and social media a direct reflection of me! I wanted to be authentic and share my passions with my followers! I remember writing this in my journal and deciding to let go of how I would make money. I knew that when I shared my passions authentically, the Universe would support me. So…I started cooking on Instagram and sharing more of my recipes on Crazy Blonde Life! I have seen more growth in the past 9 months than I saw in the past several years and I truly believe it’s because I’m sharing what I love…food, fashion, living a beautiful life and travel!

When you make a decision to change your life and take responsibility going forward, it can be a difficult time. First of all, it’s not fun to realize that you created a mess! But…if you can create a mess, you can create a masterpiece! Be kind to yourself because change can be difficult and your mind always wants to take you back to the familiar because the known is safer (in your mind) than the unknown. Be compassionate with yourself and know that you’re going in the right direction. Growth is up and down on the way up…it’s never straight up!

Be sure to take time to be carefree! Spend time with family and friends, read a book you love, watch a sunset, spend time in nature and laugh…laugh and laugh some more! When you can feel true joy, you are feeding your soul! You deserve (we all deserve) to be joyful humans and as we live our joy…our worlds and the world around us will change!

Now…relate this to your style! When you feel joyful, you’re going to dress differently! There are NO RULES for us as we age! Let your style reflect your confidence…you speak with your style before you ever open your mouth! What do you want to say?

Many many people never get out of the rut of their difficult lives because it takes conscious work and it takes time, but I can tell you from experience that I would never change a thing about my past or about my journey to where I am today! “Becoming” is really remembering what was true all along…that you are a valuable person with beautiful gifts to share!


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