Crazy Blonde Life

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Get Your Energy Flowing!

Today I’m feeling the need to stir things up a bit. I want to get my energy flowing and be more creative. I want to move into a new space (figuratively) that feels good, purposeful and energetic with a little magic sprinkled in!

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been in a bit of a rut…letting old habits creep back into my life and not feeling so creative and energetic. My centering thought for my meditation with Oprah and Deepak this morning was “I am a powerful creator”. Even though I felt that my mind wandered more than usual while meditating, I came out of if feeling the need to do things differently today. Benjamin Hardy talks about starting today to become your future self. He suggests asking the question…what would my future self be doing right now, or what would my future self do instead of this. ? I love this because it redirects energy and makes you think about how you really want your life to be.

I want every day to start with freshness and so much energy. Maybe that’s not possible every single day, but that is my goal. Is anyone else feeling that way…it’s so easy to get into a rut. I think in order to bring that freshness and energy into our lives, we need to shake up our routines.

I love this because it redirects energy and makes you think about how you want your life to be.

Every morning, I do the same things…some of it is good and helpful, such as meditating, drinking loads of water and taking my supplements. All of those things are very positive and set me up to be healthy mentally and physically. As the day goes on, I start to notice that I’m thinking the same thoughts and practicing the same old habits…eating cheese while standing at the kitchen counter because I haven’t taken the time to make myself some lunch, or staying in my pj’s and working until noon. These things don’t make me feel good about me. Today, I’m going for a butt kicking workout, then I’m going to go to a local coffee shop to sit and work for a while. The plan is to pick up on the energy of the hustle and bustle of the busy coffee shop and probably connect with a few old friends and maybe make a new friend.

“Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest - well, that is a choice”. ~ Andy Andrews

The point to all of this is that in order to bring in the new, we need to stop practicing the same old habits and thinking the same old thoughts. Newness has an energy…old habits (thought patterns) block that energy and keep us stuck. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and not very excited about the day, I want to be expecting magical things to happen! What do you want to bring into your life? What do you need to change to make that happen?

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Along the same lines, I’m still shopping my closet, while at the same time, doing a major purge. Clearing out the old and making room for the new! My outfit above was inspired by a picture I saw on Instagram and is made up of pieces already in my closet!

I have just unloaded all my morning thoughts onto this page…if you’ve gotten to the end…thank you! I hope it serves you in some way! Have a wonderful day!