Take Care of the Little Things!

Cabi Pink Outfit - Crazy Blonde Life

For the first time this morning, since social distancing started, I woke up in a funk. I’m not sure why because I didn’t go to bed that way and I slept really well. I realized I was in a funk when I tried to decide what to write about in my blog post. What is appropriate right now, what should I talk about, does anyone care about fashion at this point, are we all tired of talking about our current situation? I’ve written about the importance of having faith, I’ve shared my favorite bags and casual outfits…a few recipes…what should be next.

I read a quote this morning that started to put things back into perspective for me.

β€œSomeday we will look back on this moment and it will remind us to never take the little things for granted. It will remind us to hug with all our hearts, to pause to appreciate holding someone’s hand and to live in the moments that we are surrounded by others.”

There is another quote that I’ve always loved…”Take care of the little things, because one day you may wake up and realize they were the big things.” I believe that’s where we are today. We’re awakening to realize the importance of relationships, the need for human interaction, the simple pleasures of sharing a meal with neighbors and the gift of health.

In these days when so many are suffering, I want to be sensitive to that. I can’t imagine being totally alone through this crazy time and being alone with no job to go back to when it’s over. People are frightened and I understand.

What is coming up for me right now is to write about what I’m grateful for. I’m surrounded by my family. My daughter is home and I love having here here. My husband is working from home…I haven’t seen this much of him in years. I’ve been cooking every night and we have a refrigerator and freezer full of good food. I live in a comfortable home in a beautiful neighborhood with sidewalks to walk on. I am healthy. I get up every morning and do what I love to do, which is write this blog. I have good friends. My family is safe and healthy.

I will admit to having a few moments of panic about what my hair is going to look like when this is over (anyone with me on this?). Still trying to figure that one out, but I’m sure I will eventually.

The beauty of this situation is that we have the power to choose how we get up and show up each morning. It all depends on what we decide to focus on. We can focus on the fear and add to fearful energy in the world, or we can focus on the positive and add to that energy in the world. What we focus on gets bigger…Let’s put the focus on the good that can come out of this and the opportunity we have for growth.

We have all been given a great gift, even if it’s hard to see some days. We have been given an unprecedented amount of time…time to figure out what the next steps are. Time to work on our businesses or start new businesses…time for personal growth and reflection. Our current situation is one that no one quite knows exactly how to navigate and until you make the decision that good will come out of this, it can be very confusing. When you do decide to focus on the positive and get busy, the Universe will move to show you the next steps.

β€œUntil one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.~ Johann Von Goethe

This world and our country are changing and resetting. What will it look like when we come out of this? I believe we’ll figure out how to be more self sufficient and we’ll realize that ultimately we as human beings are in charge of our lives and destinies. We will return to a more sacred way of living…of living in the present moment and making the most of our lives. Right now, you can make this time count, and create a new (better) reality.

As always, when I write these posts, it’s because I needed a little pep talk. I feel much better now, just needed to remind myself of who I am and what I’m capable of.

If you’ve read to the end of the post…THANK YOU…I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I always ask for comments, and honestly, don’t get very many. Sometimes people send me DM’s or emails and I love that, but please, please leave a comment. What do you want to see on Crazy Blonde Life…i really want to know!

Thanks so much for reading today.

I’m including a few things that are helping me get through the day lately. I found these great sweatshirts at Target and I’ve been living in them while it’s still cool, especially inside with the air conditioner. I’ve always been a jeans girl, so I’m pairing my sweatshirts (I got two) with skinny Citizens of Humanity Jeans (now on sale at Nordstrom) and these great sneakers from Vince! Since this stay at home order was initiated, I’ve acquired quite a collection of sneakers!

Also, loving this Golden Latte as a mid morning pick-me-up and I’m drinking it in my new mugs from Target! Since I’m cooking dinner every night, I’m getting so much inspiration for dinner from Cook Beautiful by Athena Calderone! After I finish cooking, I’m cleaning up with Mrs. Myers Lavender Countertop Spray. I love the scent!

What products are helping you make it through this time at home!?


Potato Salad with Warm Mustard Vinaigrette


Wearing High Waisted Flare Denim With a Cropped Top