Crazy Blonde Life

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It's All Up to You

Synchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Maybe you’ve noticed that I haven’t been writing quite as many posts over the past couple of weeks? Or…maybe not. Either way, there is a reason. While I sincerely love fashion, beautiful interiors, food and I’m very much into fitness, I’m also very into my spiritual path and where it’s leading me…where it’s asking me to grow. Crazy Blonde Life is a lifestyle blog, and will always be, however, when I write about life “stuff”…struggles, fears, self doubt and the tough things we all go through, the comments I receive are so heartfelt and really touch me in a way that nothing else does.

I know life can be challenging to navigate, and there are times when everyone feels hopeless and lost and wonder what the point of it all is. Yesterday, when I wrote my post, one of the comments asked “if I was trying to convince my audience that I had the secret to life figured out.” I do have an answer to that…and it is…yes, I do know the secret to life, but just knowing it isn’t enough. The secret to life and being happy is learning how to control your mind. It’s about truly understanding that we are all spiritual beings and have access to as much good as we’re willing to allow in. I recently read the quote below and it has been on my mind…

The Universe won’t give you anymore that you believe you’re worthy of having.

Ponder that for a minute! So…truth is, it’s all about us and what we are willing to allow in! That’s the really cool thing -it is completely up to us! The Universe doesn’t play favorites…ever. No one has anymore access to goodness than anyone else. It’s just that some people believe they are worthy and some believe they aren’t. We’re all worthy, but we’re not all taught that we are. Most of us are still trying to get over things that were programmed into our heads from a young age. Who knows why some people have a harder road than others. The only thing I do know to be true is that if you’ve lived a hard life and you figured out how to get past it and be happy, when you decide to tell your story, you empower others to tell theirs as well. That is exactly the reason I’ve shared some of my life…I know that it helps to know that you’re not alone, but also to know that you don’t have to stay stuck in a bad situation forever. It gives people hope. Think about this…if you didn’t know Oprah Winfrey’s story, would you look at her the same way? The good she has done by telling her story and sharing what she’s learned over a lifetime is immeasurable. Don’t ever discount how important your voice can be because you never know how it might inspire someone else. Magic can happen when you share your story with love…it can change another woman’s world and create a ripple effect!

Living a life of truth and clarity is about living in a place of surrender where you have enough faith to realize that you are enough just because you are…everything you need is inside of you and all your needs can be met. Now…who can do that all of the time on their own power? If you believe in a higher power, Source energy, God (to me it’s all the same), don’t you also believe that you can tap into the goodness that lies in that power? That’s the reason for my devotion to meditation and continuing to learn and try to understand this great and benevolent Universe we live in. Even one moment of clarity during meditation can be life changing. Life is a journey…of learning to trust, of practicing surrender, of loving and trying to let go of fear. It’s trying to constantly grow and figure out how to stop the crazy and extremely annoying voice of ego that wants to convince you that you need to be afraid. It’s about having the courage to step into your best life! When you grow, you start to see your life change!

Knowing “the secret”, doesn’t make things easy. What does make things easier is to make a commitment to meditate, study, learn and surround yourself with people who will support you so that you will grow. It’s also helpful to realize that every single person is walking some sort of spiritual path (trying to get to the same place) and…if you’re too worried about what someone else is doing or thinking, you’ve stepped off your own path. Keep your eye on the prize, love all you can, sit in your sorrow until you can heal it, stop letting your past define you and one day you’ll wake up and your life will feel better!

I started this post with the definition of synchronicity because I completely believe that when you truly ask for help, and allow yourself to be available, help comes in mysterious and unexpected ways. When readers leave comments on my post, so many of them say…I really needed to hear this today. It’s as if I was sharing my truth and it spoke to everyone who needed to hear it on that particular day. I have also been praying for direction and the response from my post yesterday certainly pointed the way for me! I call that synchronicity!

Because of the comments I’ve gotten on my blog posts, I know that women are really needing community and support and a way to make sense of this time in life…when so much change is happening at one time! While my life is not perfect by any stretch, if I can share what has worked for me and help even one person, it’s all worth it!

No, life is not always easy, and yes there are good times and bad times, but when you really, earnestly, want to be happy, you figure out how to make the good times outweigh the bad times. I’ve said it before and I believe it…life is supposed to be good and we are supposed to be joyful. It’s not the situation you’re in, it’s your attitude and how you handle it. Negativity only brings more negativity. It’s all about getting rid of those voices on repeat in your brain that keep you stuck and it takes constant practice to quiet them and reprogram your brain with different thoughts. Becoming aware of your thoughts can change your life and figuring it out is worth every second that it takes!


I hope this post serves you and that you find amazing synchronicity in your life…little breadcrumbs of hope that lead you in the right direction!

And one more thing…I feel that I need to explain a little about what keeps this blog going. I’m pretty sure most everyone knows that I use affiliate links in my posts…meaning that when you click on my link and buy something, I make a small commission through Rewards Style. It’s like I have my own little shop that I can fill with anything I like. My daughter Lauren makes beautiful collages that contain affiliate links and those go out in an email 3 or 4 times a week . I also use affiliate links in my blog posts as well as in the “shop” page on the blog. This is how I make money to continue to do what I do…to pay a photographer, my daughter, and other expenses that come up. I also work directly with brands to share their products and bring awareness to them. Money is another thing that brings up issues, but it is necessary to live in this world. I could not keep this blog going and put the time into it that I do without making money.

I’ve never really stated all of this before, but for those who didn’t know…full truthful disclosure! I do try to share a variety of price points because I realize that everyone’s budget is different!

My intention is to share, to help, to inspire and to make a good living doing it! It’s my passion and what I love! Thank you for reading today and as always, I hope this post serves you and that you find amazing synchronicity in your life…little breadcrumbs of hope that lead you in the right direction!