The Faith of God

I’m sure you’ve heard me say that we are all creative expressions of the Source of All Things! That’s so big and yet many people don’t ever access the source within that is always there. You have the power create anything in your life and you do create your life, everyday, whether you realize it or not. Your thoughts and the energy you put into the world create your life.

I listened to a podcast yesterday and it talked about having the faith of God instead of faith in God…WOW!

It stands to reason that if you are a creative expression of Source and you have the Faith of God (which resides in you), you can achieve anything! I seriously doubt that Source, God, the Universe holds doubt. That power just is, and so it goes with you.

So back to talking about resolutions…

Who are you when you resolve to do something? Do you fully believe with the faith of God that you can achieve that thing, or do you have some doubts. Faith is not having doubts, true Faith is total surrender…belief that everything will work out just the way it’s supposed to. The road along the way might be unexpected and a little curvy, but your Faith can be unwavering if you have the Faith of God. Faith in God is more like believing that some unseen power is going to whisk you away to your dream life…or not. Having the Faith of God is a deep knowing, just as God knows.

You go first, the Universe responds…

If you have a desire for something. The very best thing you can do is work on who you are. Do you love yourself? If you do, you’re coming from a different place than someone who really doesn’t love themself. So, who do you need to be to bring your desires to you?

We all have desires. I have a desire to have a successful business, to help people, to be a good grandmother, to be a good wife. I desire to have a wardrobe full of clothes that I love. I desire to read more books. I desire to be fit and maintain my weight. I desire to be organized and accomplish a lot each day. Who do I need to be to achieve those things. I am much more likely bring my desires to me if I love me.

Realizing that you can have the Faith of God, because you are a creative expression of God and you are here to give your individual gifts to the world is a big Ah Ha moment. You weren’t just randomly dropped here on this earth to live a mediocre existence. That wouldn’t even make sense…God works through your Faith.

How can you put your Faith into action to achieve your desires?

Achieving your desires can come two ways…you can work your fingers to the bone and force things to happen, or you can connect to Source, feel the love surrounding you, pray, meditate, get into the natural flow of life, and then…take inspired action! I don’t know about you, the the second way sounds much more pleasant! The first way comes totally from masculine energy. We all need a balance of masculine and feminine energy, but taking action from an inspired place is much different than getting up everyday and forcing your way through the world.

If you never take the time to sit in stillness and listen, chances are, you are forcing your way through the world. The answers lie in the stillness, the guidance comes to you when you take the time to listen. Stillness brings about an awareness. You become aware of your thoughts. When you become aware of your thoughts, you then have the ability to question them.

If you don’t act from Faith, you are acting from fear, worry and doubt. Fear can be a great motivator, but you don’t want to live your life that way. When you act from a place of Faith, your actions are inspired. Think about times when fear creeps in…Do you want to speak up at times, but you’re afraid of how others may view you?! Do you want to start a business, but you’re afraid you’ll fail? Do you want to loose 10 pounds, but you never change how you eat or exercise? Do you ever tell yourself things like it’s too late or I’m too old to start? That is fear. How would your actions be different if you believed that your desires are there to lead you to your best life? It’s time to get inspired by getting into flow and letting Faith guide you without fear!

So back to the question…who do you need to be to achieve what you desire to achieve?

You need to be a person who has taken the time to get into a place of inspiration, meaning you’ve raised the vibration of how you feel. Pay attention to the things that bring you joy, that will create a whole different feeling than giving attention to what you’re afraid of. You are always in a vibrational state. You could be feeling joy and exhilaration, or you could be feeling stress and tension and your vibration brings to you more of how you’re feeling. You must be intentional with getting into a state of flow through Faith. When you feel good, you are paying attention to something good…it’s that simple. You feel what you focus on.

Now I realize that life can throw you a curve ball, but when you have the Faith of God, you realize that there is wisdom in every hard situation. I’m not saying that you will never feel sad or mad, or worried, but allow yourself to really feel these emotions and then question what can be learned. Instead of asking β€œwhy” in these situations, ask β€œwhat can I learn”…that is motion forward, while asking β€œwhy” is staying in the same vibration.

In summary…

Do the work…meditate, sit in stillness, pray, journal. Do what it takes to love yourself and from that place of love, have the Faith of God and act from that beautiful place. Make this your mission for 2023. Start each day by taking 15 minutes to get into an inspired place, act from that place and see what happens.

For years, I’ve kept a piece of paper in my desk with words of wisdom. As humans, we tend to make everything harder than it needs to be and these words, simplify life in such a beautiful way. Here is what is written on the paper…

Never touch anything with half of your heart, be present, endlessly loving and compassionate toward others.

Confront any challenging situation first with a deep breath, wander, remember that your own happiness and comfort comes above all things.

Before reacting…understand.

Eat breakfast every morning, find the faces in the flowers, remember what is important to you, treat your body kindly, be honest, get to know yourself, take things at your own pace.

Don’t feel embarrassed to feel, laugh, cry, sing or love.

Remember what’s right for someone else may not be what’s right for you (and that’s okay).

Never be ashamed or afraid to ask for help, do what you love, remember that you always have a choice, find joy in what life really is…Living!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and that you’re feeling inspired to have an amazing day! Today…try out having the Faith of God and see what happens! Please leave a comment and let me know what reading this brought up for you?


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