Crazy Blonde Life

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Cozy In Pink and Showing Big Love in Small Ways

Do small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa

In my opinion, Valentines Day, like so many other things has become totally over commercialized!  However, it is still an opportunity to create a special day and celebrate anyone in your life that you love. I enjoy buying small gifts for my girls and Hudson (of course), but there are plenty of small things that you can do to with great love!  The simplest things can go a long way in any relationship and in life.

I'm not really a fan of going out on Valentine's Day, because I don't love crowds!  I would rather stay in and cook something fabulous, or even order Chinese takeout and go out another night.  I do however love the idea of Valentine's Day.  It's a day that brightens up the dreary month of February.  February seems to be that month that bridges the excitement of the new year and the anticipation of spring.

Even though Valentine's Day is so often associated with romance, you can spread that love around everywhere! Here are five ideas to show love in small ways with big impact and make February less dreary!

1.  Something as simple as lighting a candle, putting down your phone, turning off the television and just talking can be so meaningful. 

2.  Take new kids pajamas to a homeless shelter along with a small Valentine's Day treat.

3.  Leave a small anonymous bouquet on someone's doorstep.

4.  Take a Valentine's Day treat to a retirement home.  Older people love sweets and surprises!

5.  Pay it forward in the Starbucks line!

You just never know the impact your kindness will have on people and Valentine's Day is the perfect time to "Do small things with great love."

Pink is a favorite color of mine so it's no surprise that I'm sharing a little pink inspiration today!  This really cozy, fun teddy bear coat from Willow & Clay is lightweight and will be great going into spring.  I think it's a fun addition to a neutral outfit for a quick Valentine's Day outfit idea!  Pink is such a happy color and this is a pink that most everyone can wear because it's not too bright and almost neutral.  If you find that you're reaching for the same outfits everyday, this might be the coat for you (you can shop here)!  I can't wait to wear it with white...maybe today!

Looking at these pictures, I'm just noticing the dead creeping fig on the wall behind me!  I guess it is winter, but still not very attractive.  Anyway, I would love to know if and how you celebrate Valentine's Day and what you'll wear!  I can't believe it's already Friday and that it's already February!  The time goes by so quickly...yes I've said that before, but it does!