Crazy Blonde Life

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Create & Cultivate NYC - Part 1

Is there such a thing as blogging withdrawal?  If so, then I definitely have it.  These last two days have been the longest that I've gone without doing a blog post in the last two years!  As I write this, I am in my hotel room in NYC, barely able to keep my eyes open.  I spent the majority of yesterday in the airport in Raleigh trying to get to New York for this fabulous Create & Cultivate Conference.  I missed the opening cocktail party last night, but got up early and was at the all day conference by 8:30 am and stayed all day long until 9:00 pm.  I won't share too many of the details tonight because I'm too tired and my brain is so full of everything that I learned and heard.  I will say that it was one of the best things that I could have done for my blog and personally.  Just to be at a conference with 600 likeminded women was beyond anything I can describe.  The last speaker of the night was Gloria Steinem and she was the most inspirational part of the day!  At 83 years old, she is still fighting for the causes that she believes in and inspiring others to do the same.

This is a picture of the Knockdown Center in Queens where the Create & Cultivate Conference was held.  It was the perfect space for the event!

Gloria Steinem looks pretty amazing for 83 years old!

I wanted to share just a small bit of what I've been doing over the last two days.  I am taking a 7:00 am flight in the morning so that I can cater an event in the afternoon, so tomorrow will be crazy to say the least.  I'm so sad that I can't stay another day in New York, but I know I'll be back.  I hope you'll check back and read more about this wonderful adventure that I've had...and find out what was in my stuffed full swag bag!  Good night! 

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