My Favorite Things from This Week!

I recently read a quote by comedian Trevor Noah..."Everything is helping you."  This is a mantra that he regularly repeats to himself.  I wanted to begin with this quote because it is my very favorite thing from this past week.  Each morning and throughout the day I repeat this phrase to myself..."I begin this moment with the wisdom to trust that I am profoundly loved and supported by the Universe. That it's infinite wisdom lives all around me and is the light within me."  It helps me to stay centered and also reminds me to trust that I am always being supported.  I think that saying "Everything is helping me" is certainly a simplified version of my mantra, but basically the same thing.  If the Universe is doing everything it does in an effort to help us, then all we need to do is allow.  This takes having the faith to let go of the assumption that things have to be hard.  If we have faith, we let go of so much unnecessary stress and fear allowing for any situation to bloom into something wonderful!

Now, on to my next favorite thing!  I made this cheese board yesterday and I love how it turned out!  It's really making me hungry right now!

This picture went on Instagram breakfast of boiled eggs with micro greens and a good dash of hot sauce!  See the video for how to make this quick and easy breakfast here!

This picture was taken of Sarah and me about a year ago.  She is moving to Tennessee on May 12 and I'm going to miss her so much!  I've loved spending special moments with her and I have such great memories of this fun day of Drama in the Dressing Room!

I have obviously been reminiscing and ran across this picture taken by Sara-Anne of Sara-Anne Photography.  I still love this black and white outfit and I'll definitely be pulling it out to wear again very soon!

Sarah has been busy painting furniture in anticipation of her move on May 12.  This was her first attempt at chalk painting and I love the way it turned out although she does want to change the knob.  I'll be sharing more about this, including a how-to video, on the blog very soon!

I made this Salmon Salad for Easter Sunday.  It is a recipe that's been a tradition for our family for a long time.  The recipe will be on the blog over the weekend.

I'm working on a new series of posts about how to develop your personal style.  I'm reading these three books and I can't wait to share everything I've learned.  Focusing my attention on my personal style and what I like has made getting dressed in the morning much easier and I have felt great about the outfits that I've been putting together.

I'm off to make macaroni and cheese for 300 people this afternoon!  It should be an experience to say the least!  It's for a United Way fund raiser in Burlington called Taste of Alamance and I'm so honored to be a part of it!  I will share my mac and cheese adventures on Instagram!  I hope you all have the best weekend!  Thanks for stopping by Crazy Blonde Life!


My Cabi Spring Coat


Bring on The Stripes!