A Flirty Dress and 10 Rules For Life

This flirty Trina Turk dress is absolutely my favorite look from the past few weeks.  It's flirty ruffles are so feminine and make me feel like twirling (which I did).  The vibrant colors are beautiful and I've always loved a halter!  Sometimes you wear things that make you feel good and this dress is one of those pieces for me!  That brings me to my 10 Rules For Life, which I try to remember every day!

Trina Turk dress

1.  Fully be who you are!  I guess we hear this one all of the time, but it's really one of the most important things.  I am a Southern girl from North Carolina who loves fashion, food and blogging.  I have been a caterer in my life, but mostly I have been a mom.  When I decided to start blogging, it didn't feel like a job or a "business".  Last week, after a yoga class that I taught, someone asked me what I did and for the very first time I said "I am a full time blogger"!  The fact that I was confident enough to speak those words made me feel proud.

Trina Turk Dress

2.  Try to be a good friend.  I have a handful of really good friends and I treasure those relationships.  I know that I could call any one of those people in the middle of the night and they would be there for me.  I want to be that person for them also.  

3.  Live your life with intention.  Don't let your life happen to you because you have the power to live any way that you want. 

4.  Try to truly be present and listen because everyone wants to feel heard.  There is no better gift than true presence.

5.  Practice gratitude and appreciation.  People who are grateful are happier and more positive than people who are negative.  Begin your day with feelings of appreciation and gratitude and you will have less stress and better days.

Trina Turk Dress

6.  Never stop learning!  You don't have to get your PhD, you could just take a cooking class or take up golf.

7.  Laugh every day!  Laughing strengthens your immune system and improves your overall health.

8.  Eat something green.  Green vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients and eating them will make you live longer.

Trina Turk Dress

9.  Wear what makes you feel good.  There are so many rules for how to dress at certain ages, but rules were made to be broken.  Wear what makes you happy and confident.  It's none of your business what other people think of you!

10.  Drink the best wine that you can afford.  As I've gotten older, I've realized that life is short and I don't want to spend my time with a headache

Trina Turk Dress
Tory Burch Bag
Trina Twirl
Trina Turk Dress

Wearing this dress made me feel great!  Now, I just need a party to go to!

Check out the links below for more of my favorites from Trina Turk and some of my favorite shoes at every price point!

Photography byEmily Genzer and my dress is from Rebecca & Co. in Greensboro, NC


70's Boho Chic


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