Looking Back at 2016, Thinking Ahead to 2017

Looking back at 2016, what were your lessons learned, what were your struggles, what did you dream and experience and what were your losses?  How did these things play a role in your life?


Photo via Free People

Grab a piece of paper and maybe a glass of something bubbly and consider these questions.


Photo via Camille Styles

How did you spend your time in 2016...think about categories such as family, creativity, work, etc.  Would you choose to do things differently in the coming year?

What were your accomplishments?

What were your disappointments?

What lessons did you learn?

How have you grown in 2016?

How do you want to feel at the end of 2017?


List what you recall from 2016.  Think of big and small moments.  If you need help, flip through your planner or scroll through your photos.  If you're creative and have the time, make a collage or a Pinterest board.  Try to sum up your best moments of 2016.

Think about the answers to these questions.  Looking back at 2016, how have your experiences made the past year unique?  Light a candle to honor your losses if you wish.

Set an intention for the coming year.  How do you see the year unfolding?  Accept who you are and who you want to become without judgement.  Spending time alone and being in the present moment can help you to realize how many amazing ideas you have to spread to the world.  Hopefully looking back at 2016 will help you to believe that you can make 2017 the best year ever!


Image via Zsa Zsa Bellagio

I hope you all have the perfect ending to 2016 and that you make your dreams come true in 2017!

I have so many exciting plans for Crazy Blonde Life in 2017 and I can't wait to share all of them with you!  I encourage you to sign up for a cooking class if you live close by!  We have so much fun and learn so much!  The first class on January 12 is all about healthy eating!  You won't be disappointed!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has supported me over the past year!


Outfit for a Cold and Windy Day


Healthy and Delicious Coconut Chickpea Curry