Here's the Deal About Living the Dream

β€œYou pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays.”

Summer Hats - Crazy Blonde Life

I want to live a big life!  I have big dreams, goals, wishes!  I know that I can be, have and do anything I want to, but I can’t do it if I’m sitting on my ass feeling sorry for myself.  Big dreams require bigger action!  Big dreams require constant attention, and big dreams are worth it!  I want to inspire women to take big action…I’ve talked about small baby steps and yes that’s better than nothing, but no one ever did anything big with baby steps.  What do you want in your life?  Do you even know?  The bigger question might be WHY do you want what you want!  Everyone’s β€œwhy” is different just like everyones dreams and goals are different.  Living a big life to some people might be going to Montana and living in a cabin and looking at the mountains everyday and that’s a beautiful big dream.  Others dreams may be to have 3 houses and all the money they can spend.  Some people may only want to have enough money to pay their bills and take care of their families.  What is it that you want and why do you want it! 

We should all be living magnificent lives in whatever place is magnificent to us.  We should all have great friendships, relationships with our significant others and children and have lots and lots of fun doing the things we love to do.  Doing what you love to do can bring you joy and income but you still have to take big action…doing what you love.  Going to a job you hate everyday and always complaining that things aren’t the way you want them to be will never get you anything but more of the same (don’t think I don’t know about this because I’ve done it).  You must figure out why you want what you want and then start to take action to make it happen.  Make 3 phone calls everyday, send 3 emails to people that can help…everyday…just do something to make things happen.  Plan it out…what will you do today…exactly what thing can you do to take you closer and build momentum toward living the live you want to live.  If you can’t quit the job you hate, you can still do something because if you don’t do anything, 10 years from now you’ll still be going to that job you hate and it’ll be 10 years later! Confidence comes from success.  The more successful things you do, the more confidence you will have and the better you will feel.  GET STARTED TODAY!

Do that thing you’ve been needing to do. Then do it again tomorrow. Stop putting things off that you know you need to do to improve your life. If you take just one step (as big a step as you can) toward your big goals every day, you’ll realize those goals weren’t really that far away.

β€œIf you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!β€β€Šβ€”β€ŠBenjamin Franklin


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