Why Sheepskins are Good for Your Health and Beautiful for Your Home

Happy Saturday! This is a special post that I wanted to write to support my long time friends Bo and Britt Stadler…they are not only close friends, but also close neighbors. They have a small family run leather business called Stadler Leather that has been operating for 30 plus years. One of my favorite products that Stadler Leather sells are beautiful sheepskins and since sheepskins are so popular in home decor right now, I thought it might be nice to tell you a little about Stadler Leather sheepskins.

The health benefits of sheepskin - Crazy Blonde Life

Why Sheepskins Are Good for Your Health…

Sheepskins have many natural health benefits such as providing support for pressure points and achy limbs and regulating your body temperature to improve circulation. They are also bacteria repellant and promote more restful sleep.

During this time of uncertainty, many of us are focusing on our health and doing positive things to improve our wellbeing. Incorporating a beautiful sheepskin into your decor will not only make your home more beautiful, it will provide you with health benefits.

Why Sheepskins are good for your health - Crazy Blonde Life

Sheepskins Help to Relieve Aches and Pains

Sheepskins have naturally crimped fibers that form a cushioning support for your body. Some scientists believe this is because each wool hair, or fiber, contains a three-dimensional spiraling crimp that acts like a miniature spring. By absorbing pressure without flattening out and distributing weight evenly over the body, sheepskins take pressure off limbs to help relieve aches and pains.

Sheepskins Regulate Your Body Temperature

The natural temperature regulating properties in wool help to reduce heat when it’s too hot, and increase heat when it’s too cold, so your body stays at the right temperature.

Keeping your body at the right temperature when sitting or lying down on a sheepskin can help promote better blood circulation.

This is also very useful for newborn babies - especially those who are premature or have low birth weight .

Why sheepskins are good for your health. Crazy Blonde Life

Sheepskins Reduce Friction and Discomfort

The outer layer of protein on a fiber of wool is very smooth, making it easy for sheepskin fibers to move against each other and accommodate movement. As a result, when on a sitting or lying on a sheepskin, your skin moves across the surface with less resistance to help reduce discomfort. This is very helpful for people with limited mobility, such as the elderly or those recovering after surgery.

Sheepskins Deter Dirt and Bacteria

Sheepskins are naturally resistant to the growth of mold, dust mites, and bed bugs (good to know)! They have a natural wicking property that draws moisture away from the skin and prevents conditions that allow bacteria to thrive. Sheepskins are breathable, allowing air to continue circulating when rest on them, reducing the hot and clammy environment that bacteria loves.

Sheepskins are also washable… here is a guide on how to wash your sheepskin…

Spot cleaning with warm water is often enough to remove small stains. However, if you do need to clean your sheepskins more thoroughly, you can wash them…

Hand wash in cold or lukewarm water or machine wash on a gentle cycle in cool water

Use a mild, enzyme-free and bleach-free detergent or a special detergent made specifically for wool.

Rinse thoroughly with cool water and gently spin to remove excess water.

Stretch the sheepskins while damp to reshape them and help prevent shrinkage.

Hang out to dry without direct heat or sun…too much heat will cause hardening of the leather.

Do not tumble dry.

Once dry, brush the fleece with a coarse brush to restore the wool pile.

Why sheepskins are good for your health - Crazy Blonde Life

Sheepskins Are Hypo-Allergenic and Soothe Skin

Sheepskin contains lanolin which is good for sensitive or inflamed skin. It is believed to soothe or desensitize rashes or skin conditions such as eczema.

Sheepskins Are Moisture Wicking for Skin Protection

Fleeces have the ability to absorb moisture without actually feeling wet. Wool can carry almost one-third of its own weight in water before feeling wet to the touch.

Sheepskins are good for your health - Crazy Blonde Life

Sheepskins Are a Beautiful Addition to Any Home

Sheepskin is trending in home decor right now. Whether your taste is very contemporary or more traditional, if you have an eye for style, you've noticed sheepskins in every decor blog and all over Instagram for quite some time now, and it is here to stay with good reason. Aside from being very chic, sheepskin is an affordable way to add comfort, warmth and beauty to your home. Sheepskins aren’t just for use in the winter because they regulate body temperature, making them beautiful and useful any time of the year. They are great used as area rugs, thrown over a chair to add a layer of interest and/or warmth, draped over end of the bed, or used as a cushion on a bench. I keep one in the chair in my office and it keeps me warm while I’m working (Amos loves to snuggle in beside me) and I also have one that I use to sit on while meditating. Sheepskins are also great for use outdoors in cooler weather. I love to drape them in chairs when we sit by the fire. Adding a sheepskin to your home is a timeless decor element that you will always be in style.

To order the sheepskins shown in my pictures, click this link. The cost is $100 plus shipping. These sheepskins are the finest quality and are so soft and beautiful that you’ll want one for every room!


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