The Week Ahead - What to Wear, Cook and Shop For + A Little Inspiration

How in the world did it get to be February? This is going to be a busy month for this Crazy Blonde and I’m really looking forward to all of it! The weather this week is going to be rainy except for today, so hopefully I’ll be able to stay home and get a few things done!

Over the weekend, Baldy and I painted our youngest daughter’s bedroom (she’s married now, so is it really still her bedroom?). I’ve chosen fabric for reupholstering the furniture, new bedding and a new rug, and of course, it’s all a completely different color, so the room needed to be painted and well,…when you want something done immediately, you do it yourself. I’ll definitely do a blog post when the room is finished because I think it’s going to be fabulous! I love to completely pull all of the furniture out of a room and have a fresh coat of paint on the walls and everything clean. It feels like a new beginning!

The Super Bowl was fun to watch, especially the half time show, and I made some really delicious Baked Chicken Quesadillas. I’ll post the recipe later today…anyway, right before we went to bed, I turned the oven onto the β€œcleanβ€œ setting and went to bed…when I got up this morning, the oven was still locked so now I have to call the repair man! Has anyone else experienced this?

While you’re waiting for the chicken quesadillas recipe, you might want to try this Chicken and Avocado Soup…it is really easy to throw together and very delicious!

On to the fashion…

After finishing up the painting yesterday, I got dressed and we took a few pictures. I thought it was much warmer outside and I was freezing in these pictures, mostly because of the wind, but after all, it is still February. Other than my new Cabi clothes, I really have been shopping my closet and discovering things I forgot that I owned. This pair of black suede Rag and Bone booties are one of those things. I knew I wanted to wear this Vici sweater from last year with grey jeans and the booties were just perfect. I always reach for plain denim for some reason and I love my grey jeans (and other colors), so this week, I’m intentionally wearing something other than blue denim.

Early spring outfit idea - Crazy Blonde Life

It’s hard to tell in the pictures, but another thing that I discovered, was a pair of hoop earrings packed in the pocket of a carry-on bag that never got unpacked. Hoop earrings are a huge trend this season, so that was a fun find. I’m linking some that I love below.

As you can see from this picture, it’s time for a hair color appointment and luckily I have one tomorrow. For years, I’ve had regular highlights with foils (every 4 weeks), but my daughters talked me into doing balayage and it’s really been good for my hair. I was told that it would take several appointments to get the color corrected and at that point, I’ll be able to to as much as 8 weeks between appointments. I’ve talked about struggling with hair breakage and I’m sure the color has contributed, as well as hormonal changes. I’m also taking a supplement called Nutrafol that is helping significantly.

Early Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life

This post is turning into a brain dump, but I guess that’s ok because when I got up this morning, I had no idea what to blog about and usually I have somewhat of a plan. My meditation this morning was about being inspired and not forcing life. When we force something, we actually block what we’re wanting and make it harder to get to our goals. When we make choices based on our intuition and intention, we act from our hearts and become co-creators with the Universe!

Speaking of creating our best life…I’ve decided to try to eat less sugar and so for the next 3 days, I’m going to quit sugar and see how it makes me feel. Wish me luck!

Totally unrelated, but In case you missed the email that went out yesterday, here are a few outfit ideas to take you into spring in style.

Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life
Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life
Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life
Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life

Last but not least…Baldy and I are going to Naples, Florida (I wish Italy) in a couple of weeks and then on to a surprise trip that I can’t wait to share. I have been looking for some new sandals t pack and I wanted something with a square toe since it’s such a huge trend this season and one that’s really easy to incorporate into your wardrobe. Here are a few that caught my eye!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post…let me know in the comment box. Have a great day!


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