Crazy Blonde Life

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The Reason I Started Seriously Working On Myself - My Podcast with Well & Worthy Life

I’ve shared so much of my life on this blog…the good, the bad and the ugly…but not all of it. In this episode of Well & Worthy Life, I share what really caused me to do some serious spiritual work and bring myself out of a dark time in my life.

I’ve learned that looking back and asking why isn’t helpful. I’ll never know why things in my life happened exactly as they did, but I know, if I take the lesson and ask “what now”, these painful events turn into a gift…the gift of my story. I have chosen to look at my lessons as a gift, I’ve chosen to turn my pain into purpose and I’ve chosen to share my story because I want other women to know that if I can get back to happy, they can too!

This is the reason I decided to write my 30 day program - Journey of Becoming…I truly want to help women see that healing is possible and that life can be good. Healing can be painful, and the work can be difficult at times, but oh so worth it! I’m a different person because I chose to start my Journey of Becoming and change my life. We all are ever evolving beings and we have the power within us to change!

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121 Journey of Becoming with Suzanne Smith

If you’re ready to make meaningful change in your life, Journey of Becoming starts on April 1! Join me as I share more of my life and how I healed myself, my marriage and got back to happy! Click here to learn more!