The Real Me

Boston Proper Resort - Crazy Blonde Style

I recently was asked to fill out a questionnaire for a company doing a makeup campaign. I found the questions really thought provoking so I thought I would share. These questions made me reflect on the things that I really like about myself and I think that’s really important…especially right now. So many times, we focus on the things we want to change and improve, but every now and then, it’s good to focus on the good things. My hope is that you’ll answer these questions yourself and find a few things that you like about yourself.

What makes you feel strong?

I’ve been through some trying times in my life and instead of letting them crush me, I’m proud to say that I’ve learned from them and I’ve come out on the other side even more determined to be the best that I can be…I guess you can say that I walked through the storm and I’m still standing. When I think about it…I feel really strong. I focused my full attention on what I wanted the outcome of the situation to be and I got my wish.

I also feel strong when I’m working out. Not just strong as I can lift a lot of weight or do more reps or hold a yoga pose, but strong in that I’m improving myself and taking charge of my life.

One more thing…being a mother has made me feel strong. Looking back over the years, I’ve realized that I grew as my children grew and now I have wisdom that I can pass on to them. I can be strong for them when they are struggling.

Boston Proper Resort - Crazy Blonde Style

No filter…what would people be surprised to know about you?

This question, believe it or not, has been the hardest one for me. I’m such an open book and I’ve pretty much shared my life story on this blog. When I asked my husband his response was - β€œSometimes you drive with two feet.” That is true, but pretty boring. Here goes with a few things I came up with…I like fried chicken livers (a lot), I’ve never had a shot of Tequila, I live on the same street I grew up in, I never got on a plane until I was 30 years old…

That’s about it!

What advice would you give someone to help them feel confident?

My advice about confidence is this…Confidence comes with success, not the other way around. If you think you’ll be successful once you gain confidence, you’ve got it backwards. If you want confidence, get out there and make things happen. Even if you fail, at least you tried. If you keep trying, you will find success and the fact that you tried, will give you the confidence to keep going. You’ll feel proud of yourself and there is nothing that makes you feel more confident that when you’re proud of yourself! When I started this blog, I wasn’t in the best place, but every day, I showed up and kept going… it’s grown more that I ever would have imagined. Crazy Blonde Life has now become a business. I’m very proud of what I’ve created and I have the confidence to grow it even more.

What’s your favorite type of self care?

My favorite type of self care is exercise. I love a good sweaty workout and I know that I’m taking care of my body and my state of mind. I also light a candle and meditate every morning. Meditation has so many benefits and has changed my life.

When do you feel the most beautiful?

I feel beautiful when my head is in the right place and I’m moving in the right direction. Some mornings, I think we all wake up in a funk…I wrote about that just this week, and I don’t feel especially beautiful when I’m in a funk. Taking the time to attend to the details of life, so that things go smoothly gives me the time to take care of myself and my home properly. When I don’t have that time, I don’t feel good or beautiful. Everything is connected and it starts with being in the right frame of mind.

AND I’m not gonna lie… I also feel beautiful right after I have my hair done and in the summer when I have a little bit of a tan and can get dressed up!

What causes are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about empowering women of all ages, but especially women in midlife. That’s the intention of this blog. When women are empowered, they can move mountains. I want to inspire women to create a life they are proud of…the one they’ve always dreamed of creating. When that happens, they will inspire other women to do the same.

I have also become more and more passionate about taking care of our environment. I recently wrote a post about plastic in the beauty industry and it had a real profound effect on me. I’ve become so much more aware of packaging when I’m shopping and have made a commitment to never buy another plastic bottle of water.

What’s one thing that you think people remember about you?

The thing that comes to mind is that I am persistent. I don’t give up easily and I try to show up every day and be my best self. Hopefully…if they know me well, they’ll also remember that I make a mean cheese board and my basil pesto is to die for! Also, I do have good arms, and I’ve worked for them!

What’s your favorite affirmation?

My favorite affirmation comes from Abraham Hicks and is - β€œThis is a really good day and things are always working out for me.”

Red wine or white wine?

I will always choose a dry, unoaked white wine!

Heels or flats?

Heels, of course…I’m short!


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