The Importance of Staying Active and Eating Well

In my life, there have been very few times when I haven’t worked out and stayed active…these times have usually been during an extremely stressful time or a time of transition…exactly the times when I should have kept up with my workout! In spite of these little blips, I have managed to stay pretty fit because I enjoy being active. I also believe that staying active (and eating well), as you get older is crucial to having quality of life. Staying active can include different activities for different people, but especially for women, weight bearing exercise is important for keeping bones healthy because we lose bone density due to hormonal changes. I don’t believe that exercise has to be extreme, walking is great combined with a little bit of weight lifting and yoga or stretching for flexibility. As far as diet goes, I don’t believe in deprivation, but making sure that you’re eating a balanced healthy diet that’s right for you, combined with staying active is going to provide quality of life as you age.

I love to go to the gym and train with my trainer for several reasons…I know that I’m doing something good for myself and I do love to see the results, but the thing that I love most is that I feel a sense of accomplishment when I’m finished. I got myself up, got showered and dressed and went to the gym…but that’s just the beginning…I figure that if I’m going to take the time to go, I might as well give it everything I’ve got and 99% of the time…I do. I love to leave feeling like I’ve worked as hard as I can and done something good for my body, mind and spirit! I’m a nicer person when I take the time to work out and it’s great for relieving the stress that life inevitably brings.

I think that physically working hard during workouts can not only help your body stay fit and healthy, but, physiologically, it does so much more. If you can push through an exercise that seems almost impossible, you can push through so many other things in life. It’s about conditioning your mind to believe that you can do anything that you want to do!

The importance of living a healthy lifestyle - Crazy Blonde Life

Research shows that β€œsome types of exercise have unique benefits for longevity, but most are indistinguishable in relation to longevity β€œ. Find something you can do consistently and get out there and do it!

Here are a few more reasons to stay active and eat well…

Studies show that regular exercise can also improve cognitive function, relieve stress, and prevent diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Good nutrition can boost immunity, fight illness-causing toxins, keep weight in check, and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, bone loss, and cancer.

Along with physical activity, a healthy, balanced diet can also contribute to enhanced independence as you age.

Getting older is going to happen no matter what, so we might as well make the most of it. I certainly want to have quality of life as I age so I’m going to keep being active and do whatever I need to do to feel and look my best…because who knows, maybe I’ll want to jump out of a plane one day!

Regardless of your fitness level, I hope this will encourage you incorporate exercise into your life!

And now…I’m putting the leash on Amos and going for a walk!

The swimsuit I’m wearing is from Lilly Pulitzer! I love Lilly Pulitzer and Cabana Life for swimsuits that look good and stay put! Here are a few of my favorites!


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