That Feeling

β€œEvery step in the right direction is itself a victory.”  Every step in the right direction makes you a little more free.” ~ Brianna Wiest

On the beach last evening, I had a moment of wanting to look around and see the beauty of the moody sky, the crash of the waves and feel the wind on my face. The bigness of the Universe was so apparent as I stood looking out at the ocean. I am so blessed to have had this time with my family making memories on such a beautiful island.

Well all have those days…days when you have β€œthat feeling”. The feeling that you could probably do anything, that things are working out, that the possibilities are endless. You know those days…when you wake up in a good mood, you feel your best, your hair looks good, and you’re just feeling your best self.

And then…there are days when you wake up and stub your toe, your hair is sticking up in all the wrong places, you burn your toast, spill your coffee and can’t find anything to wear! What is the difference in those days. How can you have more days of β€œthat feeling”?

What I have finally learned in this life is that it’s not about what you do, it’s about knowing you are and…knowing you are the best of who you are, takes time, intention and and going within…some would call it soul searching.

Getting to a point where you are comfortable in your skin, and living a life in alignment with your dreams and desires, is not only good for you, it’s good for the people you love and it’s good for the world.

 A woman who knows her worth and isn’t afraid to live in a way that supports her dreams is an example of strength and grace.

Who ever told us we weren’t worthy of good days, of feeling our best, of happiness?

High standards, strong boundaries, self care, self love, creating a beautiful environment to live in, taking time for movement, creating beauty and self expression are all ways we can support ourselves in order to have β€œthat feeling” more often!

When your standards are high, your boundaries are automatically apparent and often don’t need to be enforced. When you take care of yourself, you feel supported. Self love is discipline…eating healthy, exercise, time for reflection, contemplation and spiritual practice. Creativity and Self expression come automatically when you know your value and through the creation of your beautiful life, you inspire others.

How will you support yourself to have β€œthat feeling” more often?

About this outfit…

I purchased this dress at Monkey’s on Bald Head Island and it’s from We Are Sundays. I loved it the moment I put it on and it’s one that I’ll wear often. You can purchase the dress here. I’m also including a boutique below of similar dresses and accessories. Dresses like this are perfect going into fall and a hat is perfect for a curly headed girl on a humid island!

I hope you have the best Monday! As always…I would absolutely love a few comments so leave one if you feel inspired!


2024 Fall Fashion Preview


Old Fashioned Southern Peach Cobbler