Setting Boundaries Part 2 - A Podcast with Well & Worthy Life

Several weeks ago, I published a blog post titled Setting Boundaries. It seemed to resonate deeply with many of you! My daughters, however, were not so happy with me. The post was not meant in any way to make them look bad…I am so proud of my daughters and their accomplishments. The point of the post was to express frustration I was feeling with myself.

The day after the post was published, my friend Deanna Pizitz of Well & Worthy Life contacted me and said we need to do a podcast about this. I was hesitant at first, but we decided it would be a good idea to bring her life coach, Sandra Daniele into the conversation to really put a professional perspective on things. I have never worked with a life coach. I’ve had therapy in the past, but from what I understand, therapy is about working through issues from the past, while life coaching teaches you how to truly move forward in a productive way!

I could have never predicted what was going to happen as I was coached about my issues with boundaries. If you had asked me, I would have told you that I had been able to let the past go…”not me…I don’t live in the past, I have done the inner work and I’ve been able to move on”! What I realized was that my boundary issues came for the most part from guilt. Guilt that I carry and guilt that I’m carrying for others. It became clear that when you feel guilt, you’re still living in the past! It was extremely eye opening and very emotional. I’m grateful to Deanna for inviting me to be on her podcast and to Sandra for showing me through her coaching that I have serious work to do! It’s so true that everything happens for a reason! Meeting Sandra was a gift! More on that later…

You’re going to love this podcast! I hope you enjoy it and I hope it you gain some perspective about boundaries! It’s a good one!


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