Crazy Blonde Life

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A Story of Gratitude and Abundance

Have you ever tried to list 5 things that you’re grateful for and you come up with the same 5 things every single time?  Yes…you are grateful for your family, your home, your friends, food to eat, a warm place to sleep…but do you really FEEL it?  

I’m certainly not implying that you’re not grateful for these things, but what is it you are really grateful for about these things?  What do you feel deep in your heart?

Do you feel grateful to be supported and held by the people you love.  Do you feel grateful that you can pick up the phone and call your daughter at any time and she stops everything and talks to you? 

Do you feel grateful for your husbands arms around you in the bed in the morning when it’s still dark outside and the bed is so warm?

Do you feel grateful that you have friends that you can love through the pain and through the good times?

Do you feel grateful for the farmer who grew your food to support his family and support you at the same time?  For the earthy taste of the carrots and the aroma of the soup simmering in the pot, warming your home? Do you feel grateful for your health as a result of nourishing your body with good food?

Do you feel grateful for the mentors in your life who have helped you heal and learn to love yourself?

Do you feel grateful for the pain that you’ve been through and the lessons you’ve learned that brought you to the place you are now?

This is the story of gratitude…the story when you really feel the pain and release it at the same time, the story where you remember where you’ve been and how far you’ve come.

Can you sit and be grateful just because you are here?  Can you feel peace in your heart, knowing that you are here on purpose and be grateful for that?

Can you be grateful for every step along the way and every step yet to come, knowing that there are no mistakes?

Can you let go long enough to remember how much you matter…just because…and can you be grateful?

I can remember when I first started meditating with Michael Beckwith. He always ended the meditation with gratitude and he would always say “be grateful that you exist, be grateful for nothing at all”. It took me a while to understand what he meant.

Yes, certainly, you can be grateful for your family, your food, etc., but why…

When you know deep in your heart why you’re grateful for those things, that’s when the Universe responds and brings you more!

There is a misconception that wanting more is selfish, however, when you want more from a place of being grateful for where you are…there is no better feeling! When you can say…I’m so grateful…this is so good…this is amazing and all I want is more…this is when the Universe responds and gives you more! More delicious food, more morning snuggles, more meaningful conversations, more tears of joy and pain shared with people you love! More abundance than you could ever imagine! Yes please!

If you don’t write in a gratitude journal, I highly recommend it! Just take 10 minutes at some point in the day and describe why you are grateful for the things you are grateful for? Describe your feelings about those things and write them down as they flow from your heart! I promise, you’ll start to see more of the things you desire. You will feel abundant!

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A good friend of mine opened a local boutique and I get into trouble on the regular because it’s hard to resist the cute things in her shop! I found this amazing faux leather top there the other day and I’m kind of obsessed! I couldn’t find the exact top, but I’ve linked similar as well as the jeans and my fabulous Veronica Beard fringe booties (they also come in black)!

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I love fashion and I love to talk about my journey and the things I’m learning along the way! If you want more posts like this that combine fashion and something from my heart, please leave me a comment! I would love to hear from you!