What Is Floatation Therapy and Why You Should Experience It + Benefits of an Infrared Sauna

Simply Massage & Wellness - Floatation Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

I’m always up for trying something new and yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit Simply Massage and Wellness and experience Floatation Therapy. I had absolutely no idea what to expect but I went in with an open mind. It was an amazing experience and I’ll definitely go back again…

Upon arriving, I was led into a small room consisting of a dressing area, shower and the floatation therapy β€œpool”. I undressed, showered and stepped into the floatation pool. There were controls for music and light and my session was to last for an hour. The water was slightly warm, (I would call it tepid), and I began to float. You would think that an hour would be a long time, but I was amazed at how quickly it went by. After floating, I felt very relaxed and a little sleepy.

My session also included time in an Infrared Sauna so I immediately went into the sauna for 45 minutes. I love a dry sauna and the combination of floating and sitting in the sauna was amazing. Both therapies are proven to be effective for detoxing. My experience was completed with cold eucalyptus towel as I cooled down.

The thing I noticed more than anything was that all of my muscle soreness from working out disappeared overnight and the knot in my neck that had been there for several weeks is completely gone. Another thing that I noticed was that my stress levels were significantly reduced. When I arrived at my appointment, I was feeling very β€œwound up” and my mind was going in a million directions. Having an hour in a floatation tank really helped me to relax. It’s difficult to explain how it felt, but I did get to the point when I felt that β€œahhhh” feeling of letting go and feeling very peaceful.

I do know however that the benefits go well beyond relaxation. Keep reading for more information about Flotation Therapy and the benefits of an Infrared Sauna!

Float Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

What is Floatation Therapy?

Floatation Therapy, also known as floating, floatation, sensory deprivation, or R.E.S.T (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) involves lying in a highly concentrated salt-water solution. It is one of the most effective means of stress relief and relaxation available. Now widely accepted as a legitimate therapy, floatation is also used to treat a wide range of ailments and conditions and has been proven to lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone). The healing benefits of relaxation have long been documented. The extreme relaxation of Float Therapy is unique due to the environment that the float environment provides. The anti-gravity benefits permit decompression of the spine, elimination of pressure points from the body, increases endorphin and dopamine levels, leaving you feeling blissful for days.

Float Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

A floatation tank, also known as an isolation tank or sensory deprivation tank, is a zero-gravity environment designed to help your mind and body relax, recover, and reset. When begin your floatation therapy session, you’ll enter a clean and serene environment that eliminates all external stimuli. The Epsom salt solution (1,000 pounds of magnesium sulfate mixed into water) makes your body extremely buoyant, and the water is kept at 94 degrees, mimicking the temperature of your skin. So, after you close the door, turn out the lights, and begin to effortlessly float, you’ll be entering a new state of being. 

No light. No noise. Pure nothing. No longer affected by the constant downward pull of gravity, your muscle tension will melt away, and you’ll lose track of where your body ends and the solution begins. 

Because our brains are regularly bombarded by environmental stimulation, the state of sensory relaxation achieved during a float session acts as a powerful therapeutic tool. Floatation rest offers countless benefits, both physical and mental: increased blood flow, elevated dopamine and endorphins, pain relief, stress reduction, sleep schedule maintenance, and increased creativity, just to name a few. 

Floatation therapy is rapidly gaining popularity for everyone from athletes to those with mental illness to anyone feeling overwhelmed with life. More and more researchers have studied floatation, now also known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (R.E.S.T.), to further understand the many benefits enjoyed by those who practice it.


Below is a photo of the Floatation Tank where I relaxed for an hour.

Float Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

This little shelf was in the dressing area…

The quieter you become, the more you can hear!

Float Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

The Infrared Sauna…

Float Therapy - Crazy Blonde Life

The information below is from HealthLine

What is an infrared sauna?

Unlike a traditional sauna, infrared saunas don’t heat the air around you. Instead, they use infrared lamps (that use electromagnetic radiation) to warm your body directly.

β€œThese saunas use infrared panels instead of conventional heat to easily penetrate human tissue, heating up your body before heating up the air,” explains physical therapist, Vivian Eisenstadt, MAPT, CPT, MASP.

An infrared sauna can operate at a lower temperature (usually between 120˚F and 140˚F) than a traditional sauna, which is typically between 150˚F and 180˚F.

Manufacturers claim that in an infrared sauna, only about 20 percent of the heat goes to heat the air and the other 80 percent directly heats your body.

Supporters of infrared saunas say the heat penetrates more deeply than warmed air. This allows you to experience a more intense sweat at a lower temperature. This allows you to stay in the sauna longer while increasing your core body temperature by two to three degrees.

What are the benefits of using an infrared sauna?

The benefits of using an infrared sauna are similar to those experienced with a traditional sauna. These include:

  • better sleep

  • relaxation

  • detoxification

  • weight loss

  • relief from sore muscles

  • relief from joint pain such as arthritis

  • clear and tighter skin

  • improved circulation

  • help for people with chronic fatigue syndrome

Infrared Sauna - Crazy Blonde Life

Anything that contributes to your overall health and well-being by helping you relax, loosening up stiff or tight muscles, reducing joint pain, and giving you some much needed time to yourself is worth the time! I absolutely loved my experience at Simply Massage & Wellness and I will go back! If you’re local, be sure to schedule your appointment…I promise…you won’t regret it!


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