Crazy Blonde Life

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A Great Dress and a Little Inspiration

It’s been quite a week! I feel so behind and honestly, it isn’t going to get much better…

I just got home from the beach today, went straight to a hair appointment (you know I have my priorities straight) and came home to a very messy house! I’m going back to the beach on Monday so I left most everything there…thank goodness…because all I need is to have to put away a bunch of stuff from a trip! I think I hate unpacking much more than I hate packing and that’s saying a lot! Anyway…I have some catching up to do work wise and on Sunday I have 35 people coming to the house for lunch. Sarah and Will are having Bristol christened on Sunday and everyone is coming here after so I have so much to do! I’m making quiches, pasta salad, chocolate pies and ham biscuits. It’s a really Southern menu for sure! I’ll be posting menus and recipes next week as well as sharing on stories.

I think life is kind of like that…everything seems to come at once - at least for me. I’m trying to just take things as they come and also take things a day at a time because that’s the easiest way…

I have no idea who said it, but sometimes the words ring in my ears, especially when I’m really busy. The saying goes “Plan your work and work your plan.” When you have a lot going on and it’s just really logistical stuff, I think that’s such a great strategy. I’ll definitely be depending on my Angels to help me get it all done, but at least, I’m starting with a plan!

Anyway…today, I’m sharing a little story I read on Instagram by one of my favorite girls…Melanie Ann Layer. I read it today and it so resonated so I thought I would share with all of you!

Keep scrolling…

”You’re holding a cup of coffee when someone bumps into you, causing your beverage to spill everywhere.

If someone asked you why you spilt the coffee, you may answer with, “Well, because someone bumped into me, of course!”

Wrong answer. You spilled it because coffee was in the cup; if tea had been in it, you would have spilled that instead.

Whatever is inside is what will come out. Every time life comes along and bumps into you, there is a release. it’s easy to hold things in until you receive a jolt.

So what’s really in your cup?

When times get difficult, what spills? Happiness, humility, gratefulness and peace? Or frustration, anger, bitterness, harsh words and negative reactions?

Your choice.

Wouldn’t it be better to have in your cup - happiness, humility, gratefulness, positive affirmation towards yourself and others, kindness, gentleness and love?”

I really love this little story and it’s so much to think about. You spill out whatever is inside…so what’s inside?

I’m sitting at my computer as I type, holding the sweetest little baby you could ever imagine! He’s just so patiently watching me type and looking around and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support me, read my posts and leave comments. I’m on quite a journey and I’m not sure where it’s leading, but I have a feeling that things will only keep getting better! When you really start to look for the good, the Universe just gives you more good!

By the way…Baldy took these pictures on the beach the other night and it was quite a beautiful sunset! My dress is by Z Supply, is under $100, and is going to be great going into fall…styled with shoes, of course! I’m linking it as well as some of my other favorite Z Supply pieces below!

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