You Get to Make the Rules

You Get to Make the Rules - Crazy Blonde Life

As I was writing my blog post this morning, I realized how blessed I truly am. I have so many things to be grateful for in my life and I also have so many more desires that haven’t come about yet. There seems to be a perception that it’s good to be satisfied with what you have, to be grateful for what you have and not want more. I do 100% believe that being grateful for what you have, living in the moment and finding a satisfaction with what you’ve accomplished in your life so far is important. I also believe that humans were put here to create and to evolve. You can’t create and evolve if you don’t want more. More experiences, more love, more travel, and yes, more money. If you are one of those people who think wanting more is wrong…why? When you accomplish more and are more successful, you show others that they can do the same. You’ve put yourself in a position to serve the world and help others because you’ve been successful. You really do get to have it all…that is …if you believe it’s possible. I was in NYC listening to Gabrielle Bernstein speak several years ago and she made the comment that β€œGod doesn’t want you to be poor”, yet some people still think that having money or wanting more money is wrong. I want to encourage you to fulfill your soul’s desire because your soul’s desires are the most spiritual thing about you. You get to create the life you are longing to live and it’s also the life you were born to live. Stop being satisfied…find the fire that’s burning inside you to do more, have more and create more. Being able to get up every morning and live a life that you’ve created…a life that makes you happy is priceless. This is the point where you are able to make an impact in the lives of others. This is how life is supposed to be. I can’t figure it out, but somewhere along the way, so many of us were taught that our desires are wrong, that we shouldn’t be ambitions (especially women), but that is just wrong. Life is a beautiful mix of contradictions, and none of it is separate. There is God in everything and everything in God (the God of your understanding) and you get to have it all if you believe you can!

The catch is…you have to believe it before you’ll ever see it! You have to first feel those feelings of abundance, of love, of crazy good experiences, of having the money you desire if you ever want it to flow into your life. Are you one of those people who think success is for others, that you’re not deserving or you would never be able to achieve success (whatever that means to you individually)? Why? The life you desire to live is the life you were put on this earth to live and YOU GET TO CREATE IT. Don’t wait…start today! Get out a journal and start to write down all the things you’re grateful for that you already have. What is abundant in your life…somedays it might only be an abundance of sunshine, or an abundance of coffee. It doesn’t matter…you can always find something to be grateful for. Then write down all the things you desire to have in your life. Do this every day and pretty soon you’ll begin to believe it’s possible. It might seem monotonous to write down your desires every day, but your mind doesn’t separate what you believe you can have. It’s only ever our thoughts about a situation that hold us back. Visualization is very powerful.

Do the thing that scares you because, why not? You were born to make an impact in this world and you have a responsibility to give your best self to you and to those around you. Be the example of the one who tried and failed and failed again and got back up and succeeded. If you never fail, that only means you never tried! There is no formula you have to follow, you just have to believe in yourself. When you start to do this, and step forward confidently, you’ll be amazed at the ways your life will change. When I look back at my life 5 years ago, I’m a totally different person now and I have only just begun to make my dreams come true because they are big and every day, they just get bigger!

Decide you are good enough and stop questioning yourself constantly. Once you truly believe you are enough you can do absolutely anything. Your best life is waiting for you!

You can do this and you get to make the rules!

The positive changes that you make in your life go well beyond anything you probably thought possible. Remember that you are part of a string of events everyday that has the power to impact the world. If you want to see how other women are β€œliving their dreams” and changing the world for the better, consider subscribing to Blondie, by Crazy Blonde Life. Each issue is and always will be filled with badass women who will inspire you to live your best life…the life you were born to live!




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