Crazy Blonde Life

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My Wish

I woke up early this morning as I do almost every morning.

The forecast last night predicted snow starting at about 4:30 am but still no snow.

I felt grateful for the quiet morning and my warm bed but knew I had work to do.

My emotions were all over the place…you see I was feeling very nervous.

My program, Journey of Becoming starts tomorrow and I had feelings of insecurity.

My worry was that the women who signed up wouldn’t like it, that they would wonder if it was worth it to put the time in.

I knew at that moment that I needed to send out a little prayer because the way I was feeling went against everything I was saying in my program.

I sat quietly to meditate with my puppy by my side and a fire in the fireplace. The snow had begun to fall and although it was still dark outside, I could feel it.

I set my timer and put on some beautiful music to meditate to…only I forgot to push start on the timer before I began to meditate.

I sat in stillness for a while, trying to quiet my mind and let go of the feelings of being not enough and worry that I would be judged.

When I finally came out of my meditation, realizing that I hadn’t set the timer, the sun had come up and outside, I could see a winter wonderland. The snow was beautiful.

I began to write in my journal and pour my heart out…it was a letter to myself.

I told myself that my voice was important, that no one could tell my story the way I could and that there were people who needed to hear it.

That life is short and time is ticking and there is no need to worry or wait.

That I was proud of myself for trying…this has been so much more than I thought.

I told myself that this endeavor has allowed me to grow and become more of who I am.

That things are working out for my good and in my favor…to lean back and trust that I was being guided.

Things work out just the way they are supposed to. My life has changed as a result of believing this and yet…for some reason I was doubting myself…I was doubting because I was letting my ego run the show.

In the end, my wish is for Journey of Becoming to touch the lives of the women participating so that they can begin to feel worthy, powerful, loved, and most of all have joyful lives…trusting that they are creative expressions of the Source of all things. Our voices all matter and that includes mine.

There will always be times of doubt, when I let the voice of fear creep in and run the show. In the stillness of the morning, with my pup by my side, I realized that it was my job to bring myself back to a place of peace because…me and the Universe…we’ve got this!

No matter who you are or where you are, I wish you peace and healing. Your healing is your gift to the world.

If you would like to be a part of this 21 day Journey of Becoming program, click here.