Follow Your Bliss

Let this new season be a journey in embracing and accepting who you are and celebrating your uniqueness!

β€œThe life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have." ~ Anna Quindlen

Remember…who have been in the past does not need to dictate who you become.

As we approach October, I’m wanting to make this season a new beginning. It feels as if in the past several weeks, I’m coming out of a time of struggling to emerge into who I am meant to be. I finally realize what freedom feels like. Freedom from past conditioning, from reoccurring thoughts and habits that no longer serve me. It’s not as if I haven’t been happy…I have, but still had some things lingering that needed to go. Slowly, I’ve been able to gain more confidence and move into a new phase.

For me, fall is a time to slow down, enjoy the nice weather and the beauty of nature and reflect on where I’m headed.

So my best advice for myself and for you is…Let your feelings and emotions guide you to where you need to go because they never lie. When you hear people say…”follow your bliss”, it really means to follow your good feelings and it is the best advice you will ever receive. What makes your heart happy, what brings you joy? Go in that direction and it will lead you to something wonderful! Remember, the things that make you happy are calling you in that direction because that will be the direction of your most joyful life…so this fall, decide to follow your bliss and see where it leads you!

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How then, do you go about following your bliss?

Keep learning and growing…it will get your creative juices flowing. Learning keeps your heart and mind alive and keeps you expanding!

Knowing what you want gives you the confidence and courage to take action.

Daydreaming and envisioning the life you want in your mind is how it starts, but then you have to get up and do. It may feel scary, but staying stuck and never living up to your potential is scarier. I was in a place several years ago where I felt as if life would never be good. Everything I did had a cloud hanging over it because I allowed past experiences and bad memories to creep in and it kept me stuck in the past. Moving forward and expanding will change your life.

β€œTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” ~ Mark Twain

Ulla Johnson Dress for Fall - Crazy Blonde Life

You need gratitude and acceptance.

What I learned from my experience is this…you can’t always change a situation immediately. Breath through it, know that something better is ahead if you believe it is and most importantly, know that where you are right now is a step in your journey and you will learn from it if you let yourself. I came out of my situation realizing that for years, I had been so needy and lacked confidence. This situation forced me to work on myself. I don’t always feel like I can conquer the world, but what I do know is that I am who I am…I am so much more confident. I don’t let the opinions of others keep me stuck. Most days, I am happy and quite honestly, I can’t believe how far I’ve come!

The bottom line…You get to choose!

Maybe you don’t see a way out of what’s going on in your life. But I can promise you, that now matter how bad you think your situation is, there are many who have gone before that have proven that there is always a choice. You get to decide if the life you are currently living is or is not what you want.

Ulla Johnson Dress for Fall - Crazy Blonde Life

Faith is Important!

A belief is a pattern of thought. Practice believing that there are still good people and good things in the world. That if you venture out and look for goodness you will just find it. It’s okay to let go, allow change and let what will be to be. You can’t control everything, but you can control how you react to it!

Who you have been does not have to dictate who you will be.

Where will you go and who will you become…follow your bliss…

Ulla Johnson Dress for Fall - Crazy Blonde Life
Ulla Johnson Dress for Fall - Crazy Blonde Life



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