A Mother's Day Post

Mother's Day Post - Crazy Blonde Life

When I make a list of things I’m grateful for, my family…my daughters and grandchildren are always first. I can’t imagine life without them.

I always say that my three daughters, Lauren, Rebecca and Sarah grew up with me. Looking back, I know I would have done things differently…been more patient, been more present, gotten myself together sooner, but I hope they know that I did my most. Even on the days when I was tired, when I was healing my own wounds and learning my own life lessons, I hope they always felt loved. I hope that they know that even when I had every intention of offering the best of me, there were days when I failed. My hope is that they know I showed up the best I could at the time and that I tried and still try. That they feel deeply and wholly loved for exactly who they are and that they are everything to me.

I wish we could have all been together for pictures, but they’re all grown up now with lives of their own and that’s how it’s supposed to be!

Mother's Day - Crazy Blonde Life
Mother's Day - Crazy Blonde Life
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I couldn’t be more proud of these beautiful girls and who they have become. I’m always amazed that three people could turn out so differently and grow up in the same home. I am blessed that we all still want to be together, that we have fun as a family on holidays and on summer beach trips. Not that there isn’t drama occasionally, but we always figure out how to come back together and have fun.

We have so much to look forward to in the coming year. Sarah and Bristol will be home to stay with us this summer while her husband is gone and I’m looking forward to the times when we can all be together! Rebecca is getting married in May of 2022 and we’re knee deep in planning her wedding. Hudson and Graham are growing like weeds and seem to change daily. I love watching them grow and change and it means so much that I can be a daily part of their lives! Watching Lauren and Sarah be the best little mommas ever makes me so proud!

Each and every day is a gift. I’m still learning to slow down and enjoy, but more and more, I am able to appreciate the small moments and be present because I don’t want to miss anything!

Mother's Day Post - Crazy Blonde Life
Mother's Day Post - Crazy Blonde Life

This truly applies no matter how old your children are! Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! I hope you have the best day ever!


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