Finding Joy in Troubling Times

Crazy Blonde Life

I’m just going to say it…I’ve been in a funk lately and I’ve had a hard time shaking it. Things are so unsettled right now because of COVID and now the recent current events are just adding to it all. I don’t know what’s appropriate to post because I don’t want to seem insensitive, but I also want to maintain some sense of normalcy…whatever that means right now.

It’s so hard not to turn on the television because I want to see what’s happening in Minneapolis. I want to do something to help and to make the world a better place. The recent events seem so far away to me, but I know that they’re really not. There is racism and fear of other people who are different everywhere. I worry about what the world will be like for my grandchildren. Will they walk around in fear wearing masks? Where is the light in all of this?

As I sat down to meditate this morning, I remembered one thing that I know to be true. There is peace in the stillness and silence, peace in connecting with something bigger than me that is also a part of me. Even though there isn’t much I can do physically, other than donate money to causes that hopefully can help, I can do my best to be happy and put positive energy into the world. I can go each morning to that place of stillness and center myself, even if it’s only for a little while. Deep down, I know that we are all far more alike than we are different. We come from the same source and that can unite us if we only remember and find some of that peace in our daily lives.

I can visit my grandchildren and laugh with them. I can support local farmers who are struggling and come home and prepare good healthy food. I can keep living my life with as much kindness and grace as possible. I can do my best to be an example.

We seem to live in a graceless society if you look at the big picture, but if you really start to look at individual people, there is so much kindness and grace in this world. It seems that the only thing we see on the news is the negative, and while I’m certainly not suggesting that what is going on in Minneapolis shouldn’t be on the news, it helps to balance all the bad news with news of people helping others and making a positive difference in the world and there is plenty of that going on. I need to see some of that right now.

Walking around in a funk and living in fear of what might be is normal to some extent right now, but living in fear will only perpetuate the problem. My desire is for a peaceful world where everyone gets along. Holding that as my vision and being part of the solution, not the problem is all I know to do right now.

Although my funk may not go away today, I’ve been able to put a little perspective on things. Today, I’m counting my blessings, doing the best I can and praying for the future to be brighter. I can put hope and happiness into the world.

Sending love to all! Have a great weekend!


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