Think About What You Desire...

This morning I posed a question in my Journey of Becoming Facebook group and it was this…

Given what you're doing everyday, if all stays the same, will you be where you want to be in a year, in five years, in 10 years?

I read this question yesterday and can’t get it off my mind. Our small habits create our lives! Our bodies are so programmed to what we do everyday that we do things on auto pilot without even realizing it! Think about the bag of chips that you reach for, or the cup of coffee you drink every morning or the way you reach for your phone and scroll through Facebook without even thinking about it. These are just a few examples, but we all have these habits.

The question becomes….how can we live more intentionally? How can we show up on purpose and be aware of our thoughts that lead to our feelings that lead to our actions. How can we become aware of the things we do on autopilot that are not serving us. I would say that deciding on what you want to bring into your life is where it starts.

What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while. What you do every day will get you to where you want to be in a year, in five years and in 10 years.

What habits do you need to develop? I’ve found that meditation creates a deeper awareness allowing me to notice my thoughts…those thoughts that lead to feelings that lead to actions. When you are super aware of what you’re thinking, you’re less likely to live on auto pilot.

I also believe in the power of prayer, setting intentions and asking for Divine guidance. There are days I know it’s not even possible to take things on without guidance. I’ve found that just believing in the possibility of guidance helps me to achieve more that I think I can. Setting intentions is a powerful way to ask for guidance. Saying the words…”I desire” is a prayer.

Instead of thinking about what you need to change, think about what you desire…what do you want to bring into your life. It’s so much more powerful to create than it is to try to force yourself to change something negative. Imagine the possibilities and then live purposefully by setting intentions of what you will do instead of what you “will not do”. This way, your focus is on creating what you desire to bring into your life.

Create a routine that helps you tap into your desires. Let go of yesterday and focus on now. Be your own project…how do you want to feel and look. How can you truly take care of yourself? Prioritize the small daily habits that help you to live fully and reach your goals. Let those habits nurture you and you’ll soon see that you’re aware of the things you used to do on auto pilot.

This post has motivated me to start something I’ve been wanting to start for a while now called Project 50 Days. Project 50 Days is a 50 day challenge that has 7 rules such as read 10 pages of a motivational book every day and exercise for 1 hour a day…if you don’t follow the 7 rules even for 1 day (or even 1 rule) you start over. I’ll explain the rules and more about this in tomorrow’s blog, but I’m starting this because I feel I need something at this point in my life to help me create better habits that will serve me forever. I’m all in and I’m excited. I’ve created an Instagram account to track my progress…I’d love for you to follow me and give me encouragement, or join me and we’ll encourage each other!.

My challenge officially starts tomorrow and I’ll post in the morning!! Real growth starts when you call yourself out on your own sh*t! There is nothing in me that thinks this will be easy, but I’m 100% sure it will be worth it! I have big dreams and things to do…I hope you’ll follow along as I start Project 50 Days!

In the spirit of combining fashion and inspiration…here are the details of my outfit!

I wore this dress from Veronica Beard in Savannah while I was there for The Blog Societies blog conference. It was cold in the hotel and the sleeves gave me a little warmth and I felt very stylishly Southern wearing a white dress with sandals. My bag is a favorite from Amazon and my sandals are Valentino. They were expensive but I’ve worn the heck out of them and they are holding up nicely! I’ve included a boutique below with items at different price points!


Your Best & Healthiest Hair with Hair Biology


Colorful Summer Dresses