The Best Athletic Wear to Work Out In

Exercise changes not only your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and you mood!

How I work out - Crazy Blonde Life

I am more into working out now than I’ve ever been in my life. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. On alternate days, I take Amos (our Golden Doodle) for long walks and do my ab workout. I have subscriptions to several workout apps where I can choose a different workout to do at home as well. I will say that right now in my life at 57 years old, I’m really proud of my body and it’s all because I’ve been willing to put the work in. Diet also plays an important role. It’s not that I never cheat, because I do, but for the most part, I try to eat healthy carbs (beans, sweet potatoes etc.) and lots of veggies (especially avocados), salmon and chicken.

Having a cute outfit to work out in motivates me on the days that I don’t feel like exercising. I’m also one of those people who sometimes stays in those same clothes all day long because I’m so busy.

Between running my business, taking care of our big old house, Amos, Baldy (he’s so high maintenance), spending time with my grandsons, I have very limited time for anything else…you all know how is…so many responsibilities). Finding time to exercise is very high on my priority list and i rarely let anything interfere. I always make sure to have my clothes washed and ready to go because I’m usually dashing out the door at the last minute. You can see that being organized with food, clothes and time is essential to getting to the gym and maintaining a lifestyle that keeps me looking and feeling my best.

That’s one of the reasons I’ve decided to join a community of like-minded, bad ass women to work with. This is a new company that is making the most fabulous athletic (and athleisure) wear. I already have quite a wardrobe of athletic wear and I can tell you that this is the most stylish and comfortable brand I’ve come across. I’m pretty obsessed with this line. I also think it’s an amazing opportunity to grow a business, interact with a community of likeminded women and support a brand I love.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a lot like me…a women in midlife who is figuring out what the next phase of life will look like. I’ve talked about midlife so many times here on Crazy Blonde Life and we all know…it’’s a thing. Midlife can blindside you and all of a sudden, you’re wondering what the heck you’re going to do with your life. Well, that’s where this clothing brand comes in…

Athleisure has become one of the hottest trends out there for fall 2020. So many people are still working from home and need comfortable and stylish clothing to work in. This business can be whatever you want it to be. You can work it all of the time, or you can just put in an hour a day…whatever best suits your life. This company is just getting started so it’s a really great time to join and the possibilities are truly endless. Think about it…how many people do you know who wear athleisure all day long, every day?

I’m sure there are many people out there who have lost their jobs due to COVID and this brand gives you an opportunity to become financially independent with a business of your own and have fun doing it. Plus, they give you all the strategies and support you’ll need to be successful.

I believe in this company. Everyone I’ve met is so supportive and they really want to see you succeed. That’s why I’m sharing today. The other part, is that I REALLY LOVE THE CLOTHES.

All of the pieces are comfortable and stylish. This brand has a huge range of sizes so everyone can wear the clothes and they look amazing even when you’re not exercising so you can feel comfortable running errands and living your life in them!

If this sounds like something you may be interested in, simply comment on this post and leave your name and email address. I will contact you with an invitation to an overview call that you can hop on this week. There is no obligation at all by getting on this call. It’s simply informative and a way for you to find out if this opportunity is a good fit. Thanks so much for reading today…it may be time to step into a new phase of life with a new business!

How I Work Out - Crazy Blonde Life

“And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust in the magic of new beginnings!”

How I Work Out - Crazy Blonde Life
How I Work Out - Crazy Blonde Life
How I Work Out - Crazy Blonde Life

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