Change Your Story, Change Your Life

As I said in a post the other day…while I was on my trip to Germany, I had some time to study, read and meditate and some things have really stuck with me from insights I had.

I was also asked by someone yesterday about what sets my blog apart, what makes my blog different from all the other blogs out there. There were several things that came to mind and one of those was that in addition to bringing you food, fashion, fitness, decor, health and wellness, I also bring my spirituality into the posts of my blog. It may be a quote, a review of a book, or even sometimes a full on brain dump of what’s on my mind. That’s what’s about to happen here!

Sometimes, I hesitate to write about changing and improving your life because I know so many of you are living your dreams and doing what you love everyday. So many of you get β€œIt” and know what to do, but what I’ve discovered is that I am also one of those women. I am living a life far beyond what I could have imagined as a girl. I’m blessed with loving relationships, a thriving and growing business, good health and all the β€œthings” that anyone could want. But still, there are days when I doubt myself, days when I forget that I totally know what to do and I’m sure that I’m not alone. I decided to write this post for those who are really struggling on a daily basis as well as those who pretty much have things figured out, but still need a reminder from time to time!

Here’s what I’ve learned and what helps me when I allow the doubt and overwhelm to take over…

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What I’m ultimately talking about here is how to manifest the life you want. I 100% believe that it all starts with a spiritual practice. That can look different for everyone, but you have to believe that you are worthy (because you are) and that you have something unique and important to share with the world. I don’t believe anyone was put here by accident!

It’s easy to look around and start to feel discouraged because there are so many people doing what you want to do, or think that so many are doing things better than you are. There is room for everyone and the world needs your voice. When you go forward with the belief that what you have to say or give is important, you will succeed. Here is a quote that hung on my refrigerator for many years and I still read it often.

β€œUntil one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I believe this quote holds the secret to success. We all have desires, but so many times, we don’t feel worthy of our desires. Someone along the way told us that we weren’t worthy…and we believed them. Then we created a story about ourselves based on false beliefs! This is a hard thing to get past, but we have to stop believing the lies and step up to our potential.

In order to manifest the life you want…

Get up every morning and be grateful for something…the sun came up and you are alive. Take the steps you need to take and commit to trusting that what you want is important. We were born to have desires…that’s how humanity evolves. Your desires matter and are the biggest indicator of what you were put here to do!

Take care of yourself, move your body…even if it’s just taking the stairs. Eat healthy food as much as possible. Dress the part, act the part and trust in Providence to bring you your desires or something even better. Michael Beckwith has a saying…”Better than I can say, better than I can see - Bring it on!” This is a prayer to the Universe allowing trust that something better than you can ever imagine is already there for you!

Thought sets things into motion. Your thoughts will dictate how you feel, what you achieve and how others treat you. Everything you want, you want because you believe that you will feel happy and better when you get it. However, what you really want is usually not the thing, but the feeling that it brings. Step into the feeling first and everything else will follow. You have to believe it before you can see it and the better it gets, the better it gets. In other words, when you believe things are good, they just get better but when you believe things are bad, that’s true as well. The Universe is inclusive and you always get what you think about! Live your life in gratitude as best you can, be intentional with your thoughts and change the story you’ve been telling yourself!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Ask yourself…Are the thoughts that I’m thinking, the words that I’m speaking and the actions that I’m taking supporting me in living my best life and being the best version of myself?”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

There are times when I think it’s odd to put links to fashion, or even fashion pictures in a post like this, but the truth is, I would love to sell a few of these dresses, or the purse, shoes or sunglasses. I started this blog because I held the vision of what I wanted and it has become a huge and important part of my life. Part of my limiting story was that I wasn’t capable of making money by owning my own business. I grew up in a household where there was definitely a shortage consciousness going on because, after all, β€œmoney doesn’t grow on trees”!

I have proven that I can actually make money and have my own business. I still fall into the how of it all very often, knowing all the while that it’s not my job to figure out the how…that’s up to God! I need to do the work everyday, meditate, take inspired action and be surprised and delighted by what comes my way!

Staying confident is a daily practice and some days I don’t do very well. I let the stories of my past creep in and undermine what I’m trying to achieve. I compare myself to others and doubt that I’ll ever go further than where I am. I hate to feel that way…I know it’s not helpful to me or to others. This is when I turn to meditation, one of my many inspirational books or my journal. Tomorrow is always another day and this too shall pass, if I change my thoughts and believe in trusting my intuition which is the voice that guides me.

I still have quite a vision for Crazy Blonde Life and I’m practicing the steps that I’ve described in this post as much as possible, every single day. I’m acting as if I’m already more successful than I ever thought I would be. I love to share daily, whether it’s a recipe, fashion, or something else. I want to make money doing what I love to do and I also really want to know that I’ve helped someone in someway every day. That help might show up from outfit inspiration, an idea for what to cook for dinner, or even bigger than that, a post that could potentially inspire someone to change their life for the better.

There have been days when I’ve received a private message or an email from people saying how much they needed my message or how I’ve inspired them to dress up more and it always makes me tear up! Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts with me!

I hope this post has been helpful…please let me know!


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