Do What You Love and Love What You Do!

Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life

Yesterday, after a morning spent with Leanna Michelle (my new blogger friend) at Loft, trying on clothes, taking pictures and laughing the whole time, I realized just how much I love blogging. I knew it before, but something clicked yesterday and I saw just how happy blogging makes me and felt so much appreciation for the life that I’m able to live because of it! I’ve said so many times that blogging is my life and my life is blogging! You might not consider that a good thing, but I feel totally blessed to be able to do what I love every single day. It gives me so much joy and satisfaction to look back and see what I’ve built. Sure, it might be frustrating at times and I definitely get discouraged when my growth isn’t what I think it should be, but that’s true with anything. There are also days, when I have those β€œpinch me, this can’t be real” moments and want to run around the house screaming (sometimes I do) because something so exciting has happened.

I spend a good amount of time, sitting at my desk because that’s the only way that a blog post gets written or pictures get edited, but I also do many other things. I’ve learned so much about photography and have started taking some of my own pictures and I’m anxious to learn more. My computer skills are improving and if you consider where I started…I’ve come a long, long way! I think I’ve become a better writer and I’m able to express myself in a more effective way. I’m also stepping into the world of video with YouTube and IGTV. That took getting over being self conscious and just going for it! I think I’ve gotten better with time and looking forward to making more and more videos! Another big step for me was deciding to produce Blondie, by Crazy Blonde Life. It added a lot of responsibility to my already full schedule, but it’s been so much fun and given me the opportunity to learn about what goes into a big project! The final thing that blows my mind sometimes are the collaborations with brands that I’ve done! My hard work has paid off and I’m getting to work with brands such as Trina Turk, Talbots, Vera Bradley, Julie Miles, Vahan Jewelry with more coming every day! I’m very proud of those things and enjoy learning every single day.

Blogging, has given me confidence, because you know…success builds confidence, not the other way around. I have learned to let go of worrying about what other people might think, and trust my intuition, knowing that the Universe has my back at all times! Even the times when it doesn’t feel that way. I’ve learned to persevere because I won’t give up on my dream!

I will say that the very best part of blogging is the people I’ve met along the way, in person and through social media! When I first started Crazy Blonde Life, and someone asked me what I did, I always hesitated to say - β€œI’m a blogger”. Now when someone asks me, I say very proudlyβ€¦β€œI’m a blogger”. I’ve worked hard and want to talk about what I do.

Now, everywhere I go, I meet someone that I make a connection with, be it a possibility for a blog post, a collaboration, or just a new friend. I met Julie Miles while in Florida with my husband almost 2 years ago and we’ve been friends since. I’ve had the opportunity to introduce Crazy Blonde readers to Julie Miles Jewelry and I’ve learned so much from Julie! I met my new friend Leanna Michelle while participating in a blogger event and we’ve now teamed up and are working on some projects together! I met Carla Coulson (virtually) and she became my mentor and business coach and also my friend and confidant and I will be in Paris very soon having lunch with Carla! I’ve also reconnected with people from my past who have been contributors to the blog and to Blondie and met new women who have graciously offered to contribute. One of those women is Annette Duke of the blog ReInventing 50’s. We’ve got something in the works that I can’t wait to share! It seems that everywhere I go, either I already know someone or meet someone new and since I feel more confident, I always make it a point to strike up a conversation to make that happen! That’s what life is about…connection with others and we attract people into our lives with our energy! Be positive and you’ll attract positive people!

Leanna and Me at Loft - Crazy Blonde LIfe

At Loft yesterday with Leanna!

Julie Miles Jewelry - Crazy Blonde Life

I can’t even believe I’m saying this, but I couldn’t find a picture of Julie and me together, but you can see us in this YouTube video!

I’ve also been so blessed to work consistently with Taylor Moser and my daughter Lauren. Taylor is the most patient person on the planet and does the things I don’t know how to do. Blondie wouldn’t yet be a reality without his innate computer skills. Sometimes, it’s best to learn what your strengths are and let other people do the things that you’re not the best at. Lauren and her family moved back to Burlington several months ago and she has been invaluable to me as far as keeping me organized, doing Instagram stories and helping with emails. My goal is to build an amazing team of talented people so that Crazy Blonde Life keeps getting better and better!

Crazy Blonde Life - Trina Turk Swimsuit

I met Katherine, my youngest blog reader while on vacation at Bald Head Island! She made my day when she told me how much she loves Crazy Blonde Life!

Blondie, by Crazy Blonde Life

Pictured in the collage above are the contributors to Blondie, by Crazy Blonde Life! I’m just so grateful for their support and friendship!

So you might be saying, that’s all great for you, but I don’t have the time to pursue my dreams. What I will say to you, is that you have nothing but time. Get up a little earlier, go to bed a little later, do whatever you have to do. Soon, you’ll be able to look back and see that you are building something that you feel proud of. You’ll meet people along the way that want to help you and you’ll want to help in return. It will be worth every minute!

Life is meant to be lived joyfully and to the fullest. Don’t be that person who looks back and wishes they had done thing differently. Live your life so that you have no regrets at the end!

Follow Julie, Annette, Leanna and me on Instagram!

I couldn’t end this without a plug for Blondie…after all I am persistent and I believe in this magazine, sooo, if you haven’t subscribed yet, here is your chance! Click on the picture, or on the button below!

Winner of the Julie Miles Necklace in my giveaway!

In case you didn’t know, I teamed up with Julie Miles to giveaway one of her fabulous pearl necklace and I’m thrilled to announce that Robin (pictured above) of Grace Filled Glam won! I have another amazing giveaway in the works, so be sure to check back…who knows, you could be the winner!



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