My 12 Golden Rules

I’m a big fan of Porter Magazine…I love the fashion, articles, and at the end their β€œNet-a-Porter Golden Rules" series”. So, I thought that today, I would would share my Golden Rules with you…

Casual Valentine's Day


Wake up every morning and before you get up, think of 5 things to appreciate. Putting yourself in a good frame of mind sets you up for a good day. After, getting up and before looking at any social media, email, etc., meditate…even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Let yourself be in stillness while you’re still in a state of appreciation!


Trust yourself. Everyone has an inner truth (intuition), learn how to listen and you’ll be a happier person. Inspiration comes from your heart and not your head.


Everything is about perspective. Always to choose to see the good and when you’re feeling a bit off or down…take a deep, calming breath and realign with the good in the Universe.

Valentine's Day Outfit - Crazy Blonde Life


Exercise, move in some way…it’s as good for your mind as it is your body.


Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!


Try something new at least once a week. It can be something as small as a new recipe or even putting an outfit together in a different way. Expanding your horizons can make the day feel fresh! You never know what the world has in store for you.


Always say hello and smile as you pass someone during your day. You never know what people are going through - kind gestures spread happiness…and can change the world.

Casual Valentine's Day Outfit - Crazy Blonde Life


Travel as often as possible, even if you have to do it alone. And while you’re gone, be open to meeting new people. I’ve met wonderful people while traveling and some have become good friends. I never got on a plane until I was 30 and now, I’m trying to make up for it. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.


Don’t be afraid to cry or show emotion. I cry everyday (almost) and it’s very cleansing…

Casual Valentine's Day - Crazy Blonde Life


Surround yourself with positive people who inspire you!


There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure!


Never, never, never give up on your dreams!

What would you add to the list…let me know in the comments!

Here are a few things I’m loving for January…


2 Ways to Wear It...My Favorite Cabi Top


Blackened Salmon with Cauliflower Rice and Avocado