Crazy Blonde Life

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Faith Over Fear - Finding Hope in Uncertain Times

These are unprecedented days and I think that no matter who you are, you have moments of fear and anxiety and wonder if and when things will get back to “normal” and if and when we will recover from this.  I want to be here to inspire and to talk about life and what’s going on and have real and authentic conversations with you.  I do love to have your feedback and hear your opinions because, some days, that is what keeps me going.  It feels more like a conversation and some kind of human interaction.  

I sincerely want to make a difference and be a voice that can help, even if it's only to let you know that you’re not alone.  There are so many issues to speak to right now My goal is to provide good content from my heart to yours here on Crazy Blonde Life!  Staying inspired to get up and write a blog post can be hard these days and I can’t be serious and deep all the time and I don’t believe that’s what you want….it would be very exhausting.  Sometimes all I want to talk about is the latest and greatest in shoe styles, even now…  I think we're all like that because we need relief from the news and the worry of this virus!  Having said that, I want to be appropriate and sensitive to what people are going through.  

I named this post, Faith over Fear, because when we are able to truly surrender our fear and have Faith that things will work out, we then have a knowing deep inside that it’s the truth.  There is so much fear surrounding us right now and it’s easy to get sucked in.

I love the silent quiet of mornings and there is definitely something sacred about that time for me.  Every day, I get up and meditate and read something inspirational and always ask for guidance from the Universe.  It starts the day off in a positive way. As we go about the day and fear and anxiety begin to creep in, we can go back to that silent stillness found in meditation.  One of the most important things we all can do right now is to stay in the moment. The key to lessening anxiety is to stop seeing it as a demon and to simply let it be a reminder that we have left present-moment awareness and that we can bring ourselves back. This awareness can help us to remain calm and only have brief moments of fear.

“That which you think in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts like it.”  

In other words, once you think and believe the fearful thoughts, it starts a snowball effect and the fear only intensifies.

Don’t believe every story your mind tells you…pay attention to your thoughts with curiosity, openness, and a willingness to question. You don’t have to believe every thought that pops into your head…remember “it’s just a thought”.

It’s good to distract yourself with things that make you feel happy and peaceful.  The beauty of nature is always inspiring.  Take a walk, put some flowers in your home, organize a closet, cook a delicious meal.  Now more than ever, it’s important to create a beautiful space to live in..I believe it’s essential to our souls. 

I encourage you to spend a day organizing (I know so many have been doing that), take a long walk , read a beautiful magazine or good book, and spend time in nature…all of those things can give you time to reset and calm your anxiety. Use this opportunity to combine your imagination with the time and space we’ve unexpectedly been given and create something new in your life

Consciously choose to attend to what is well and whole in your life, moment by moment.

Take it one day at a time and realize that that soon, this will be over!  I do know at this point that we’ll all be more grateful than ever for the things we took for granted.  Deeper appreciation and deeper awareness of what we value and care for increases quickly and abundantly when we realize how fortunate we were in the first place.  I am very sure that some amazing things will come out of this situation…people are resilient and so creative!

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