Brand Crush...Frances Valentine

I am so excited to share my new brand crush…Frances Valentine! You may already know about this fun company, but I’ve just recently discovered it via a catalogue I received in the mail. This catalogue stood out…it was bright, cute, fun and happy and I’ve been pouring over it! I’m so in love with the perfect-for-summer pieces and my shopping cart is full!

Frances Valentine is a brand created by Elyce Arons. She launched this company with Kate and Andy Spade (that explains so much) in 2016. They wanted to create a “modern American lifestyle brand with a joyful perspective”. I think they’ve done just that!

Kate Spade’s legacy is a lifestyle brand that is so recognizable to everyone and her pieces, like the pieces fro Frances Valentine, give us all a feeling of hope and the endless joys in life. It’s so sad that her life ended as it did, but we can thank her for leaving her brand of fun and optimism for all of us!

”We will always be inspired by Kate’s timeless style and distinct aesthetic. Frances Valentine is a design house with a unique way of viewing the world. Through this lens we create original, vintage- modern pieces to delight and brighten your life.” ~ Elyce Arons

Frances Valentine...Brand Crush - Crazy Blonde Life

These looks from Frances Valentine are fresh, sunny, uplifting and in a word fun! They make me dream of endless summer garden parties and days spent by the pool.

Now that things are finally opening up again, we are all feeling hopeful and excited. These are the clothes to step out in this season! You’ll find outfits and pieces to fit everyone and every style including shoes, handbags, swimsuits and beach towels, as well as lifestyle accessories! As you can probably tell, I’m in love with the aesthetic of Frances Valentine! I have included a boutique below with some of my favorites! They seem to be selling out really quickly, so if you see something you love, go ahead and get it! Summer is coming and you don’t want to miss out!

Frances Valentine...Brand Crush - Crazy Blonde Life
Frances Valentine - Brand Crush - Crazy Blonde Life
Frances Valentine - Crazy Blonde Life

Tell me…am I just really late to the game? Did you know about Frances Valentine?

I hope this post brightens your Monday and makes you hopeful for the week and summer to come! I know…I can’t wait!


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