A Journey of Becoming

Breathe and relax…because you’ve got this.
Your timing is always perfect.
You can handle whatever is in front of you and whatever is behind you has made you stronger.
You have everything within you to keep moving forward. Don’t be afraid to share what you’ve learned along the way. You are guided and you are supported unconditionally.
You’ve come too far to only go this far and that will always be the case.

This is the beauty of living.

Ten years ago, I felt pretty hopeless. I was an unhappy person who blamed everyone else for what was happening to me. My father wasn’t loving enough, my mother didn’t pay enough attention to me, my husband hadn’t been loving enough. The list went on…

I didn’t understand that none of this had anything to do with why I was unhappy. Things went from bad to worse. I was trying to be happy and do all the right things, but it wasn’t working. I was holding it together from the outside looking in, but inside, I was crumbling. Things went from worse to even worse. Sometimes I look back and can’t even believe some of the things I lived through.

My life is not that way anymore, because I began to understand that I could choose to make a different and better life. I realized that I held the power.

The Universe gave me my story…it is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.

My story is a gift only if I choose to share it.

People often say that life is hard and that things don’t work out. They do and they can.

I believe that our most important job in this life is to work on ourselves.

I believe that everything is energy and that healing is spiritual.

I believe that as humans we will never be perfect, but I also believe that we are each a creative expression of God and that God is Love.

We are filled with and surrounded by the Energy that creates worlds.

All too often, we block that energy and stay small and unhappy in our lives. We let outside circumstances determine how things go when none of the answers are outside of us. All of the answers are within.

When we are able to tap into the power that is within each and every one of us, miracles begin to happen. When we finally realize how powerful we are, and trust in the knowledge that we are okay…no matter what, miracles happen. When we replace fear with love and faith…miracles happen.

When you begin to believe that you matter, that nothing is random, and that everything in your life happened to get you to this point and that it is a gift, life takes on a whole new meaning.

When you can begin to share your story with others, you create community. There is always someone who can relate to what you’ve been through…someone who has been through something similar. But how will you know, how will they know if no one is willing to share. When you hold things inside, it can feel very lonely.

It’s not always easy to share. There is shame involved. Being vulnerable can be the hardest thing in the world, but it can create miracles. When you tell others what you’ve been through and how you’ve come through… with the purpose of helping, you begin to heal and in turn, help them heal.

The world can heal one person at a time.

One person who chooses to share, to grow, to live differently and to trust, creates a ripple effect that will help another to choose to share, to grow, and to live a better life. One person who chooses to share how they came through something hard and are on the other side empowers others…one person at a time.

No one person or organization can end the problems of the world, but one person can choose to believe that there is power in choosing to share and encourage others to do the same.

Fear is the opposite of Love. Fear is your ego telling you that you’re not good enough, fear tells you that it matters what others think of you, fear encourages you to play small and live a small life.

Fear will always be there, it’s how you choose to deal with it. You can choose to feel it and do the thing anyway, or you can let it cripple you and keep you from letting your light shine. I.believe it’s not possible to shine too much.

You get what you think about, and you get what you ask for. You attract the field you dwell in. Where are you dwelling? Are you afraid to fail, are you worried about what people think? Are you letting the problems of the world cripple you? When you actually realize that you are made of the Energy that Creates Worlds, you understand that you have a responsibility to shine!

Your only job is to shine…others will come along as they are ready.

You are living the life you are living today because of choices you’ve made. The choices you make today, create the life you live tomorrow. The beautiful thing is, you can change your choices. You can do things differently. It may not always be comfortable to choose differently, but it can change the coarse of your life.

I named this post A Journey of Becoming because it’s time for me to share in a bigger way.

I desire, more than anything to share the gift that was given to me by the Universe….my story Because of the things I’ve been through in my life, I started a Journey. A Journey of Becoming…becoming who I was born to be. I will forever be on this Journey.

When I first started my journey, I found mentors. People who were telling their story…people who’s words resonated with me. I began to listen to what they had to say. I wondered who they were listening to and what inspired them? My network of mentors grew as I searched and I learned and continue to learn every day. I often have ah-ha moments when suddenly things make sense that didn’t before.

We feel in our bodies when something is true. As I was diving deep into new ideas and information, I let my emotions guide me and trusted that I was on the right path. Some of the things I was learning didn’t make sense to me at the time because I wasn’t ready. I have continued to study and learn and yes…heal.

So back to the question of how to begin to change and grow and start a ripple effect?

For a while now, I have been thinking of a way that I can share some of what I’ve learned along my bumpy path. I have found a deep faith where at one point, I only felt anger and bitterness. I have become very aware of my emotions and I am able to step back and put things in perspective on bad days. That in itself is life changing. I’m no longer willing to let outside circumstances direct the course of my life. I can look in the mirror and know on a level I never understood before that I am okay.

I have decided it’s time to invite you to come on a journey with me. A Journey of Becoming.

On January 15, my program, Journey of Becoming will begin.

Journey of Becoming is a 21 day program to start the new year. Journey of Becoming will help you set powerful intentions for 2022, and set you on a path to create the life you have been dreaming of if you are willing to do the work.

My promise to you is that I will show up authentically and share from my soul to yours. I will share more about the details of Journey of Becoming on January 2 and give you the opportunity to sign up if this resonates with you!

Thank you for reading today!


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