Crazy Blonde Life

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5 Ways to Become More Attractive - They're Not What You Think

This might seem to be a ridiculous thing to talk about on a fashion blog, but I think it’s definitely worth a discussion…

For most of my life, I believed that what made me attractive in the eyes of someone else was my looks. I still think that the care I put into doing my hair, putting on makeup, and getting dressed are important for how I present myself to the world because first impressions are important, but what you look like is not the only thing that makes you attractive to others. Most of us spend a great deal of time getting ready each day (not to mention, hair appointments, nail appointments, etc.), because everyone wants to make a good first impression when they’re out and about. I do believe that fashion and even makeup are creative forms of self expression and when you’re are able to freely express yourself, you gain confidence and are therefore more interesting. But have you stopped to think about what qualities are really attractive, after that initial impression.

Attraction is defined as “a quality that evokes interest, liking or desire”. In other words, when it comes to attracting people, it’s because of the qualities you possess to be interesting, likable, and exude warmth. Meaning that you absolutely care about how you make others feel as much as you care about how you feel. Other people see you as more attractive when you exude the qualities of being interesting, likable and warm.

In light of a new year and the theme for Crazy Blonde Life this year…Feeling Truly Alive…here are a few more qualities that I believe are important for becoming more attractive…after you’ve gotten dressed, done your hair and put on a little makeup! I believe these qualities will strengthen existing relationships, improve your social life, and draw people to you in general.

Develop Confidence

In past years, I didn’t feel very confident and didn’t understand the principles of how to gain confidence. I brought ideas that came from my childhood into my adulthood and I thought I would be judged solely on my appearance. It’s all a very long story of repeating thought patterns that simply weren’t true and I won’t bore you with the details, but thank goodness…I was wrong.

One of the biggest reasons people struggle with most anything is due to a lack of self-confidence. Being afraid of failure and rejection whether it comes to starting a business, going out in certain social situations, or meeting new people is something almost everyone feels in some form or fashion. Remember, success builds confidence, so just one step in the right direction will help you take the next step toward being more confident. Being confident in yourself and your ability to do anything you want to do is one of the most important and attractive things in life. Think about some of the most successful people you know…they are all very confident.

Even if you’re introverted or struggle to approach new people and situations, confidence has an energy that makes others find you more attractive. While, as I said above, I believe that looking your best is important, if you’re not confident…it will show. I don’t normally believe in fake it till you make it, but simple things like improving posture, walking with confidence and even smiling more will make you feel more confident and as a result, people will be more drawn to you. Small changes can have an impact on your sense of worth.

Make Meaningful Eye Contact

People like to feel as if you are truly listening to them and making eye contact is one of the best ways to do that. Next time you’re having a conversation…look the other person in the eye to show your interest. They’ll see that you care about what they’re saying, they will feel important and the conversation will be more meaningful which will make you appear more attractive.

Ask Questions

One thing that is universally true, is that people prefer talking about themselves. So next time you meet someone that you would like to get to know better, ask them questions. Stop continually talking about yourself and take hints from things they’ve said to ask questions and keep the conversation going. They will enjoy speaking with you and become more curious about your life.

Gain A Sense Of Humor

Having a sense of humor is important in creating new friendships and opportunities.

Life can be tough some days, but consider it your job to make it as fun and pleasant as it can be, even on the tough days. You possess the power to make the best out of the worst situation. The option is drowning in the problems of life and that certainly is not attractive to anyone…having a sense of humor makes you a more likable person. Remember that life is short, and as my mom always said…”this too shall pass”. We’re all searching for happiness and when someone brings joy into your life, it can be incredibly attractive. If you’re able to bring humor into your relationships, you’ll notice others wanting to be around you much more frequently.

Practice Honesty

When you’re honest in your daily life, other people tend to reciprocate when talking to you. After all, it’s much better to have a relationship built on trust.

Speak with honesty, think with sincerity, act with integrity.

Now…on to the fashion…

One thing I really want to do in 2020 is to define my personal style. It’s so easy to get into a rut when getting dressed! The pieces I’m wearing in these pictures will always be staples for me because they make it easy to come up with a quick, stylish outfit that looks nice. Skinny jeans, a good quality silk blouse, black booties, a statement belt and great bag can mix and match with most everything in your closet!

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