Julie Miles - Beautiful Resort Wear & Pearl Jewelry

Hi all! I have been seriously under the weather for the past few days which is why I haven’t posted. I had complications from my appendectomy and have been in the hospital. I’m finally feeling better and will be coming home tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your messages and well wishes…it means so much to know you’re out there pulling for me. It’s truly been a rough few days and I have so many things to blog about now! I guess that’s the blessing because there always is a blessing…you just have to look for it!

I made this video with my friend and ANGEL, Julie Miles a couple of weeks ago. She brought her amazing jewelry and beautiful resort wear to my home and stayed with me! We had the best time doing a trunk show and, of course, a little social media! This video will show you how to wear her pearls to accessorize your resort wear or hers.. Be sure to check out her website to see more and find out how to shop. I hope you enjoy!

β€˜ll be back to a normal posting schedule soon. In the meantime, please hit the subscribe button and follow me on YouTube. The ore followers I have, the more YouTube will promote me and I’ll be able to bring you more great content. Also, If there is ever anything you’d like to se, please let me know and as always,, I welcome your comments so please leave one in the box below! Have a great day!


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