My Teeth Whitening Strategy (That Actually Works) + A Giveaway from Smile Brilliant

Every morning I stumble down the stairs and the first thing on my mind is coffee.  Everything is prepared the night before so I don't have to wait any longer than necessary for my first cup.  As a full time blogger, I have my picture made a lot and having white teeth is very important to me...but I'm not giving up coffee or the occasional glass of red wine.  I've used all kinds of rinses and strips to keep my teeth white, but I love having custom trays!  When Smile Brilliant reached out to me and asked me to try their whitening system, I was thrilled.  After checking out their website, I was confident that they had a great product!   Full disclosure teeth are pretty white naturally but I could tell a definite difference.

Smile Brilliant
Smile Brilliant
Smile Brilliant

My teeth whitening kit from Smile Brilliant came in the mail complete with everything I needed to have custom bleaching trays made.  They send easy instructions for making impressions and after you make your impressions, you simply send them back to the company (in a pre-paid envelope) and in about one week, you get your custom trays and start the whitening process.  It's so easy!

Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening System


The custom whitening trays fit beautifully and it's no problem to talk while wearing them.

The gel stays in the tray because they're custom made for your teeth, so you don't get a mouthful of bad tasting gel.

Smile Brilliant will replace the trays for just $30.00 if you loose or damage them.  I know because I left mine in a hotel room!  A dental office would charge much more to replace them.


Teeth are like sponges and they absorb. 

That means that anything you put into your mouth that has color will absorb into the pores of your wine, coffee, blueberries, you get the picture.  Over time, your teeth can become stained.  Smile Brilliant's teeth whitening gel works by absorbing into your teeth and pushing out stains through the pores.

Teeth Whitening Doesn't Damage Your Teeth

Professional teeth whitening is very safe if used as instructed.  "The whitening process uses active ingredients to temporarily open pores in your teeth and lift stains.  After each whitening session, your teeth naturally remineralize and rehydrate."

Custom Fitted Trays are Important

A custom fitted tray ensures that every angle of your tooth is covered with whitening gel.  Dentists charge $500++ for custom trays because they are charging for their time.  Smile Brilliant is a professional dental lab with no dentist, allowing them to charge much less and deliver more quickly than a traditional dentist.

Sensitivity is Normal

Most people have sensitive teeth caused by genetics, thin enamel, or damaged teeth.  Sensitivity occurs because teeth become temporarily dehydrated and that reduces their ability to insulate the nerve from temperature changes.  Sensitivity disappears in 12 - 36 hours, but Smile Brilliant sends a Desensitizing Gel to help with this. 

Smile Brilliant

Stains On Teeth Cannot Be Removed Overnight

No whitening agent can whiten teeth in a day.  The whitening process can take as few as 4 days and up to several months.  Once the stains are gone, it is easy to maintain your sparkling smile!

The Best Time to Whiten is Before Bed

Your teeth are more susceptible to restaining immediately after you whiten.  Whitening before bed reduces the opportunity for staining and gives your teeth the night to begin rehydrating and remineralizing.  Desensitizing gel (included in your kit) nourishes and replenishes.

Not Everyone Can Have Perfectly White Teeth

The natural color of your teeth is determined when you're born and the only thing a whitening product can do is remove the stains that have accumulated over time.  Smile Brilliant gives you a 45 day money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied with your smile.  You never know how white your teeth can be until you give it a try.

My whitening trays from Smile Brilliant fit me perfectly and are comfortable and flexible.  I'm able to wear them at night and I saw very quick results.  Some people have sensitivity, but I haven't had any at all.  If so, like I said previously, you can use the Desensitizing Gel provided in the kit.  I now whiten for an hour once or twice a week to keep my "smile brilliant"!

Smile Brilliant
Smile Brilliant

Smile Brilliant is an absolutely wonderful company to work with and I am collaborating with them to bring you a giveaway!  Keep scrolling for the details!

Smile Brilliant
Smile Brilliant


1 set of custom trays

9 whitening applications

9 desensitizing applications

$149.00 value

Smile Brilliant

If you're not happy with your results, Smile Brilliant has a 30 day money back guarantee.  With Smile Brilliant, you can whiten your teeth safely at home for as low as $129. While certainly more expensive than whitening strips, it's a much better method. Order online and give yourself a confident smile! Be sure to follow Smile Brilliant via FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest products, promotions and more.

This post is sponsored by Smile Brilliant, but all opinions are my own.  I think this is a great whitening system and I will keep using it once or twice a week to keep my teeth white.

To enter the giveaway, click here and submit your name and email address.  The winner will be selected and contacted via email in about 2 weeks.  Giveaway is for $140.00 credit!

15% coupon code: crazyblondelife


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