Crazy Blonde Life

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Beach Reads - My Summer Reading List!

"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." ~ J. K. Rowling

One of the great joys of my life over the past eight years has been being a member of a book club.  I was one of the original members of my book club and it hasn't changed much, only two of eight members are different. These seven women have become much like sisters to me and I look forward to book club over most everything else.  We meet once a month from September to May and take turns hosting.  We always have a special dinner and lively soul feeding conversation.  Over the past year, I have not taken the time to read the books...I've used the excuse of being busy with Crazy Blonde Life and just life in general.  These wonderful ladies seem to love me anyway and know that we all go through seasons in our lives.  Long story short - I do love to read and I'm determined to read each and every book this year! 

About two weeks ago, I picked up a book called Waking Up In Paris by Sonia Choquette.  I immediately fell in love with the story of a woman who moves to Paris to "find herself".  Truthfully, it made me want to run away to Paris to find myself and maybe one day I will.  After finishing the book, I realized that I could actually fit it all in and decided to search Amazon (it's mind boggling) for other books that I wanted to read.  I bought another book by Sonia Choquette called Walking Home that I am currently reading (and loving), and also bought An American Marriage by Tayari Jones (Oprah recommended).  Another of my recommendations that could be described either as a "self help" book, or a memoir, is Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist.  I've actually been much better about reading so called "self help" books over the past year or so (craving advice and ways to deal with life) and I loved this book.  It's one we can all relate to.  I've also included a book by Maria Shriver called I've Been Thinking.  It might not be the best beach read, but definitely a book of inspiration to keep by the bed!

The other books are sitting on my nightstand waiting to be read and next up is Calypso by David Sedaris!  He makes me laugh until I cry and cry until I laugh, so the description of the book (below) is very appropriate.  I have until September to finish the rest of this list and then I'm on to my book club selection!  I'll keep you posted as I finish each one and let you know what I think!

I'm off to take a walk and then to the beach to spend the day reading!  What books are you reading this summer?  Let me know in the comment box below! 

Thanks so much for reading today!