Just Breathe!

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"As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison." ~ Nelson Mandela


Today in this moment, appreciate the little things!  The birds chirping, an amazing strawberry, the sunrise or sunset...even your cup of coffee first thing in the morning!  Don't get caught up in what you can't control.  Accept your situation and make the best of it.  When you choose to stop worrying about what you can't control you have time to change the things you can.  You can always choose to breathe right now.  Stop for a moment and know that becoming aware of your breath is coming back to peace.  Every time you start to loose control of your thoughts, come back to your breath!  You can control your breath.  There is peace in just letting things go without having to control the situation or doing anything about it.

Sometimes it's fine if the only thing you are able to do is breath.

Let those around you breath as well;  Just let them be...exactly as they are.  You don't need (and you never can) to control anyone or try to change them. If you can Accept them as they are you can feel peace.  Letting go can be life changing.  Inner peace begins when you come back to the moment of a new breath and choose not to allow events that you have no control over to dominate you. You are not what is happening to you.  You can choose what you wish to become, today, this minute, in this moment.  Come back to your breath and begin again, as often as you need.  Every moment is a new opportunity to begin again!

As usual, this post is what's on my mind today and what I need in my life!  My prayer is that I can take this post home with me tomorrow when I leave Rosemary Beach and remember this with every breath!  I also hope that it serves you all in some way!  Nelson Mandela certainly somehow knew that not living in the moment is like living in a prison!


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