Crazy Blonde Life

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A Simple Choice

I have been saying for several months now that if I could just get up at 5:30 every morning, it would change my life, but for some reason, I've only done it once!  The day that I got up went so smoothly!  My day was filled with time to do the things that are important to me...I immediately meditated, had coffee, read a little of my book and then started blogging.  I was finished by around 10 and had time on my hands to either work more or do yoga or just whatever I decided.  I loved it, but why is it so hard to do it again.  Literally every night, I go to bed and tell myself that I'll get up and then I simply don't.  Let me be clear, I'm not sleeping until 9 am, I'm getting up between 6:15 and 6:45, but an extra 45 minutes to an hour in the morning would make a huge difference!  I'm outing myself here and hoping that by holding myself accountable on Crazy Blonde Life, I'll make a change.  Why would I not do something that I think would change my life for the better?

I'm going to chalk it up to a lack of self discipline.  It's no different than deciding not to do yoga one day, or standing at the counter eating something unhealthy for lunch or dinner.  I have plenty of food in the refrigerator that I could use to make a nice meal and my yoga mat stays rolled out all of the time.  It's all about choices.  The things that I'm talking about here aren't hard, but they do require a discipline of the mind.  

Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most!

Why do we put off the things that would make our lives better until tomorrow?  The things I'm talking about here seem simple (and are really), but they must become habits. that will get easier with time.  I'm challenging you and myself to stop putting off the things that we know will make our lives easier and richer in the long run.  Self discipline will be the thing that saves us when things get really hard.

There are some days when I get up, meditate (I'm usually very disciplined about that) and immediately sit down at my computer.  I don't know where the time goes, but sometimes I realize that it's noon or later and I'm still sitting here working and haven't eaten or showered.  There is nothing worse than losing control of the seconds and minutes that make up your life.  I am very aware that I can change my life for the better by making some very simple choices.  By making those choices, I'm taking care of myself, knowing that I will be more present and better for myself and the people that I care about.  The small things that we decide to change on a daily basis are the things that will change our lives for the better.  What we decide to do today determines what tomorrow will be like.

My choices are going to be to get up earlier (I may have to ease into it 15 minutes at a time), to drink more water (I actually have an app on my phone to remind me), to do 15 - 20 minutes of some type of exercise every day, and to read something that I enjoy for 15 minutes a day. 

See this content in the original post

Crazy Blonde Life is my passion, but I can't allow it to take over my life.  My goal in writing this blog is to inspire my readers to live their best lives and I can't be very inspiring if I'm not living my best life! 

What small things can you change on a daily basis to improve your life?  Please leave me a comment and let me know!  I am holding myself accountable here on my blog and I would love for us to support each other in making small changes now that will result in big changes later! 

I'll keep you updated on my progress!

Image from Pinterest

Just a bit about the outfit!  I've featured all or mostly white all week on the blog because it's officially summer and I love this look.  It's so easy to throw on all white pieces, add black or colorful accessories and be out the door looking great.  I've linked the exact sweater and similar shoes and pants above.

As always, I appreciate your comments, questions and suggestions, so let me know what you think of this post in the comment box below!  Happy Weekend!

If you're looking for some great tips on getting organized, my friend and fellow blogger, Rebecca Phillips wrote a post that you'll definitely want to read!  You can see it by clicking here.

Photography by Taylor Moser Designs