Meet Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

Good Morning!  This is the second interview in my Spiritual Fashionista series!  Today, I'm talking with Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living.  I don't remember how I found Cheryl's blog, but it's on the list of blogs that I check nearly every day!  Cheryl has the most amazing style and I love how she puts outfits together, but I think the best thing about her is that she always looks so happy!  Her beautiful smile is the perfect compliment to her thoughtfully styled outfits!  I hope you'll check out her're sure to be inspired to up your fashion game!

Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

What made you start your blog?

Several years ago, I was struggling with what to do next in my life.  I was an empty nester who had pretty much put all her eggs into her "raising children" basket.  I decided I needed a creative outlet.  I had never had a hobby in my life and had never even had time to think of one.  I raised my two sons, worked on my career and went to school until I earned a doctoral degree, all at the same time.  I decided to start a blog as a way to journal, thinking it would be therapeutic, but never dreaming anyone would read it.  It has been a fabulous hobby for me, pushing me to learn new things, to reach higher and to be fully engaged in life.  I love the challenges it brings, the new friendships I've made and the creativity it allows me.

What are your top three style tips?

First, I wear what makes me feel good.  I don't follow anyone else's rules.  Second, I think shoes make a look.  I love to use shoes as an accessory bringing something fresh to a look.  My third tip is one we all have heard of...wear a third piece.  I always add something to my look other than a top and a bottom.  I use cardigans the most, but I love jackets, scarves, hats, and sometimes even my bag becomes my third piece.

Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I am an extreme introvert.  This means that I need a lot of time alone to recharge my batteries.  I love to think rather than talk.  I prefer to observe than be observed.  I love people and love to be with them, but I often feel extremely drained after social engagements.  I love to do things alone, like to to the movies, take hikes; almost anything is fine with me to do alone.  It's not really an unusual thing to be introverted, roughly one third of the population is.  The best book I have ever read about introversion in my journey to understand myself was "Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking".  I used to think something was wrong with me, but now I understand myself and am comfortable with being me.

Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

What is the one thing you are proudest of?

My sons give me the greatest pride and joy.  They have grown into amazing men.  They are fully engaged as fathers (I have one grandson and one granddaughter who is named after me).  They are successful in their careers (one is a Business Analyst and one is a Neuropsychologist) and they call most almost every single day!  They are kind, giving, compassionate and supportive men.  They are everything I had hoped they would grow up to be.

Who inspires you?

So many people inspire me but I have to say my mother has been my biggest inspiration.  It seems most everything I do relates back somehow to something I observed in her.  I contribute my success to her showing me how to be strong and to never let a challenge stop me from getting things done.

Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

I you had to choose, what would be your last meal?

This is so sad, but it would be pizza!  I learned that from my mom too!  I still remember growing up and making pizza as a family.  The tradition continued with my sons and to this day I make a pizza almost every week.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I want to continue to develop my blog and expand my topics.  I love fashion, but cooking is where I am the most creative.  I love creating recipes and sharing them on the blog.  Putting together food posts is very time consuming for me so I mostly do fashion, but I plan to move more to lifestyle content.  I want to share home decorating, outdoor activities like gardening, wild mushroom hunting, and lots of fitness related topics.  I believe these are topics that I can continue sharing for the rest of my life.

Cheryl Tucker of Northwest Mountain Living

What do you do when you're not working on your blog?

My husband and I won an educational consulting firm.  I am the Vice President of Learning Innovations.  I mostly work with Universities doing feasibility studies determining education gaps in their communities so they can put in place programs to address those gaps.  I also work in online education design and assist in the development of authentic learning curriculums for universities.  I am also working with my husband as members of our state aviation association to bring a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) in Aviation summer program to the local junior high and high school students this summer.  This is a basically free program for students, parents and their teachers.  Since this is a small community, it is important to provide new opportunities for our children and encourage them in these areas of education.

For fun, I run, mostly trail run in the summer but do 5K's throughout the year.  I hike, go wild mushroom hunting, and pick huckleberries.  I love canning jams and pickles and fun things like that.  Oh and I LOVE dogs!  I have two who are truly my best buddies.

Follow Cheryl on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter to see more of her fun style!


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